The old ESCI kit falls together pretty well - I added clear styrene for the windows (none come with the kit), scratched a wing mirror & wipers from some fine copper wire (salvaged from a 21" Sony CRT monitor!)and some sheet styrene, same copper wire used for the width? guides on the front mudguards. The Flak 38 had its barrels hollowed out, gunner's seat backs scratched from lead sheet (as the kit parts were too thick and wrong shape), and various details added from more sheet styrene (e.g.the "wheel thing" at the very rear). Strangely the gun comes with no ammo - so again good old styrene sheets to the rescue.
One question - the "drop down" sides of the truck? I wasn't happy with the complete lack of visible support that came with the kit to keep them horizontal - so I added what I believe to be practical cable/wire support for these sides - do any experts know if this is accurate?
Have never been disappointed with ESCI kits - they still measure up in my eyes to newer kits.
I might get round to posting the ESCI Jagdtiger and Academy light vehicle set