Hi friend I'm come back whit few step on my RR.
Frist tnx to Dave and stefan
Finished assembly/update session ,I've started with color session whit my personal procedure.
1°st after primer coat I spryed the base color (pale cream N°52 created whit Vallejo model master).
2° post shading whit UA 143(lifecolor)
3° base desaturation using UA 90
4° final coat whit pale cream 52 dilued at 80%
Whit this procedure I've more controll on the surface and some mistake(murphy docet) can be correct on the final stage passing more time on the area interessed.
Here the picture of these step

I've painted the air recon roundell 'cause I don't love the decal for this kind of work
Distruptive pattern (red oxide N°46 Vallejo mix)
This is only the frist step,I'll retouch some areas and cement all ,only few drops of cement are used only to see the allineament of the pattern.
For now is all
See U later
Stay tuned