Thank you all for your comments and feedback.
When it comes to using a shield on the weapon, you are probably right. I just used the figures as they came in the box.
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questions : on the ground the diffferent tones come from pigment only ?
On the groundwork, did you paint each element separately (bricks, dust, stones, wood) and then applied pigment ?
Finally, the loaders seems to have a jump suit with camo with blurred camo. Am I right ? If yes, could you please post close up pictures and explain us how you did that ?
The tones on the ground were achieved by painting in different tones, using different washes and different pigments. No exact science, I was just messing around untill I was happy with the result.
First I painted everything black, then I used the airbrush to paint the "main" colors. Then I used Vallejo paint to paint each element separately. The pigments was used as the final step.
When it comes to the figures, I'm kind of on thin ice. I'm no big figurepainter, and this was my first attempt on camo. I bought a book that described how those two fallshirmjägers should be painted, and tried to do my best. I will try to take some more closeups in a few days.