Step 2 installs the steering gear and mount hubs for the 8 wheels. The kit diagram here is needlessly confusing and busy IMHO since it insists on numbering each individual part with an arrow to go with it even though all of the parts install exactly the same with the exception of the wheel hubs. These hubs, parts D18 and D19, are directional in terms of front and rear and are the ones you have to be the most careful about. In order to insure I didn't miss any parts in this step, I crossed out each part number as I worked through the installation until all 8 stations had been assembled and in place. The steering arms aren't positionable without modification and I decided to just leave mine all in the straight alignment for simplicity's sake. It is worth noting that you need to think through the order of the parts placement as the D18/19 hubs are designed to be trapped between the upper and lower frames and the pin sizes are different to help insure they all get aligned in the right direction.

Step 3 continues work with the suspension by adding the leaf spring bundles and their mount points. The springs have fine mold seams that need to be carefully removed top and bottom but otherwise are beautifully molded. The springs did need a little encouragement to sit properly on their attachment ends and I used some smooth-jawed copper soldering clamps and liquid glue to firmly seat them in position.

Step 4 is a sub-assembly step that prepares several items for installation into the lower hull tub in the interior. The front and rear driver's seats are assembled along with the foot pedal arrangements and the steering wheels. The pedals are very nicely detailed, with molded on "K" and "B" details for "gas" and "brakes"! The rear bulkhead and fuel tank is also assembled and the bulkhead has 4 mounting holes that have to be opened up with a pin vise to allow the tank to mount properly.

Steps 5 and 6 deal with the installation of various parts into the interior including those assembled in Step 4. I made the mistake of installing the rear bulkhead/fuel tank combo first when I should have done it last. This was a mistake in the sense that it made the installation of all the other detail parts much harder due to the confined space...something I'll have to remember when I build the others in the future. I had decided not to paint the interior since this one is a closed top but there are some raised ejector marks that would be visible on the finished interior if it were exposed, so those too would have to be dealt with on future builds.

Continuing on in the instructions with Step 8, the lower hull was joined to the chassis and the remaining tie rods and steering gear installed. Based on my experience with the instruction order, I have to say that I think it's better to add the tub to the chassis before adding the interior details as I needed to use a couple of rubber bands to get an even join front to back and the presence of the interior details made this harder than it would've been otherwise. I also completed the installation of the spring parts from Step 9 at this point, another tricky assembly due to the fact that the slots molded in the hull side for the D2 parts weren't a good fit. This meant that the parts had to be trimmed and/or sanded down slightly to fit properly.

Step 10 added the little wing-like protections for the front and rear suspensions and also calls for the installation of the inner wheel hubs. I'm not exactly sure why that's called for at this point since the actual wheel installation doesn't take place until the very end in Step 25. I cleaned up the hubs and dry-fit them just to see how the vehicle would sit. So far all the points make contact so that's a good thing. The hubs were set off to the side and will be added to the wheels later on.

The instructions contain another oddity in Step 11 in that this step includes details and options for the armored visors depending on whether they are in the open or closed position but doesn't actually assemble anything. That's because the parts you need to complete the visors, the external armored covers, aren't called out as parts numbers until Steps 12 and 13! Both of those steps add details to the interior of the upper hull half and I installed the front set of visors for the driver in the workable mode so they could be posed open later on. The rear set I installed in the closed position. The other interior details were also added just to see how it would all look as a practice run for future 234-based builds but none of it will be visible on the finished build unless the turret is removed. I also opted for the open vents for the engine deck and those were installed as well to round things out.

Step 15 is a very important step as it joins the upper and lower hull together and also adds the side bins and fenders. Test fit of the hull halves was generally good with just some slight gaps at the rear due to the angle of the rear bulkhead in the interior. I trimmed this down a bit with a shark knife and that resolved most of the problem with some strategic rubber bands taking care of the rest. The rear hull plate was also added to insure proper alignment with the top and bottom.

Once the glue had set, the rubber bands came off and the side fenders were added. I wasn't paying close enough attention and didn't realize that I had neglected to add the inner portions that represent the stowage boxes. The instruction diagram shows these as already installed to the hull side with number call outs and I completely missed that before adding the side fenders. Of course, the glue had already started to set so I had to carefully remove the fenders from both sides, install the boxes, then re-attach the fenders. This resulted in some slight glue damage to the hull sides that required some careful putty work and sanding to correct and restore everything back to the way it should've been if I'd been paying a little more attention. Something to remember for next time for sure!

Next up will be tackling all the various gear that goes on the fenders, some of which will be installed right away and others left off until after painting.