2 sprues in green plastic
1 bag with aluminum barrel, 4 coiled springs, and two rubber tires.
1 set of instructions
Here it is, all feedback/tips/corrections welcome!!

I forgot to take a picture of the small bag with extras in it, but you can see the barrel in the other pictures
I started with sub assemblies A B and C. These small parts were surprisingly easy to clean up and I had no fit issues with them, however if I was to do it again I would clean the sink marks in sub A before I put the two parts together. In part C for the tow ring, a quick swipe of the blade got rid of the mold lines.
at this point I completed most of the frame, the fit was excellent, however if you are not careful, the axle can get caught up and you lose the "moving part" capabilty to lift the tires for the firing position, which I planned to use anyways.
I added the top plate to the frame and again fit was excellent. This part is very thin and fragile and I would recommend extra care when cleaning up the flash.
I added the rotating plate to the frame. It had a bit of flash and a couple of sink marks, with some sanding paper the easily came off
This piece was easy to get in place, but if I was to do it again I would do clean up before I added the part, it consists of two halves and has some serious flash when you put them together. I ended up cutting the piece back off later in the build and using a small sanding stick, I removed the
At this point I added the extension arms, these two pieces had no flash on them and clean up of sprue marks was very easy. They too are moving parts I was sure to put light cement around the areas where they connected to axle that lets them move.
There is a small photo etch part here that i added for cosmetic reasons.
At this point I began construction on the actual barrell housing group (

These three parts are made up of about 13 pieces. After looking at some reference photos I decided that once they were all put together i would go back and add small details lost in production.
I completed the barrell assembly, I was caught up in construction I didnt even think to take pictures of parts but there are roughly 16 pieces here. Again once this subassembly is complete I will go back and add spare etch parts and small details too small to be produced for OOB
I lost one of the handles to the carpet monster, thankfully I had a spare from an old Tamiya kit I had lying around, the part is a but smaller than this, but I figured what the heck.
another angle
Again AFV Club makes perfect fit assemblies, the barrell assembly slid right in to this piece, no glue or sanding was needed.
I will add the details once all parts are added.
Here I added the swing arms the the cannon assembly, again using no glue to attach the arms so they can be positioned
thats it for now, but more to come