A little more progress. This beast had a lot of paint on it so I reapplied the colors with ultra diluted coats of Life Color paints. I wanted to maintain a field applied look so I used a brush to lay out the green and brown parts of the camo pattern. What I will do next is use an airbrush to spray the edges of those two colors to soften them onto each other and the dunkelgelb areas. I'll take care of any light spots then as well. There are a few pieces along the fenders that have lost some clarity of detail from all the paint/primer which will be attended to. I will remove them by cutting and sanding, replacing them with photo etch fret bits or thin plastic.
I had a set of Fruil tracks already made up for it. I treated them with a track blackening product that didn't work despite following the instruction to the letter. In my frustration at the stuff barely affecting the finish of the tracks in repeated treatments I allowed them to soak for an extended period. Big mistake!!! The result was a very minute change in color, but corrosion similar to what can be found on a dirty car battery terminal appeared all over the tracks. Although I cleaned it off by brushing and extended rinsing and asoaking in a baking soda solution to neutralize any acidic residue, the damage was done. The metal became brittle. The smallest amount of handling caused the thin material at the holes where the links are pinned together with the wire to crumble and tear through. Lesson learned! I just completed assembling and prepainting a new set of Fruils which are drying as I write this. I gave them several initial coats of a burnt umber and raw earth mix.
Obviously, some items such as the pioneer tool, muffler, and machine gun need installed. I need to finish the periscope lenses with Vallejo lens finish. And decals. And weathering...
Front view:

Left side:


Right side:


Slowly, but surely it's coming along. I have over a half dozen other builds all going on right now and bounce back and forth from one to the other as the mood strikes me. I have a couple other kits I want badly to dive into, but these are already awaiting completion so I am forcing myself to do these first:
Tristar Panzer I ausf A (decals, install tracks, weathering)
RPM Sd Kfz 135 Ambulance (a MAJOR construction/reconstruction project as I try to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear! i cut off all the molded on tiedown hangers and replaced them with scratched brackets and wire loops. bought a seconf kit to fit the rear compartment exterior hull walls into the interior to duplicate the rivet and other details on the inside surfaces. scratched medical supply boxes to mount on the bulkhead. I ordered a PE set to improve the suspension appearance. the biggest problem is figuring out how to rebuild the rear access doors and rear hull section so it is like the real thing or at least practical to be able to get wounded -and the healthy for that matter- in and out of the rear compartment. as it is, that would be next to impossible. out of the box it has even greater design impossibilities and flaws than this 39H did.)
RPM Ford M.M.G.S. WWI Model T Scout Car (done and came out nicely! waiting for Resicast Vickers MG to arrive to install and complete it. still figuring out a way to use something else for the headlights because the kit ones would be almost 20 inches across in real life. it doesn't look bad without them, though! I scratched a bed mounted dual spare tire carrier and made a nice little engine starting crank handle.)
RPM Ford TC Model T WWI Armored Car (everything is done but both the body and turret needs painted and weathered. I added wire handles on doors and hatches, cut vision slot in turret. thinned armor plating were thickness is visible. added driver vision slot visor, cowling area rivets, hood tiedowns, wire light support. it will likely get the second barrel/gun in the Vickers MG set I ordered for the scout car)
RPM Tankette Ciagnik Pancerny CP artillery tractor (about half done. tiny little thing so it's a bit frustrating to work on for long. some part fitment issues are challenging because of the small size, too! i dislike the tracks -plastic sections of various length, the type I like the least to install because they have to be exact or they don't look right. did I mention how small this was?)
RPM Japanese Ko-Gata (Renault FT-17) (nothing done but trying to figure out accurate rivet locations on turret. too many photos are difficult to use as references. the rivet patterns in the pictures showing the round riveted turrets either don't have all around views, are shot at angles making accurate locations difficult to tell. some show different patterns and/or different size rivet heads throughout or mixed. most photos are of the octaganol turret or the round smooth one. I need to find a mechanical engineering type schematic or blueprint)
Tamiya Quad Gun Tractor with 25 pndr. field gun (Two trucks, one cannon- one done in desert colors and one in OD green with Mickey Mouse camo) ( trucks both about 50% to 60% done, gun is done & needs painted. one will be heavily detailed with PE enhancements and the other, not so much. these are a struggle for me to get motivated on because for some reason, they just bore me. I'd rather work on something else and often do.)
Trumpeter Geschutzwagen Tiger fur 17 cm Kanone 72 (Sf) (this is one BIG one ass track! the camo paint needs completed, cannon and final vehicle assembly needs done. it sat for several months until I was able to find enough LifeColor olivgrun and schokoladen braun to finish the camo. I'm debating about getting Fruils for it because it would probably need two sets unless they have a single set available)
Tamiya Russian SU 122 Tank Destroyer (about 90% done as it sits. needs the already assembled and painted Fruils installed and and the whole thing weathered. I think I may need to raise the grab rails along the side of the hull higher up. source info varies about their location as best as I can tell. I mounted them per the instructions but have seen them much higher on models but photos of the real vehicle seem to show some leeway. I am still kicking a few ideas around about the extra fuel drums and brackets on the back. I have a PE set for them, but I don't know how good they will look using the super thin brass as the drum hangars. I have considered leaving some off, partially removing some in a battle damaged fashion and/or replacing a few missing ones in a field repaired fashion, ugly but functional. it has a metal barrel and a few other neat little detail items including extra Fruil track links drilled and mounted as spares)
Comments, as always, most welcome!