When can we see some work from the “kids”? You already have them started on the glue, just a natural step to go to “here put this together”. Aren’t kids great, my Granddaughter can’t stand “Grandpas smelly room”.
Congrats on the completion. Did you use a wash? Basically it’s a much diluted brown that’s painted over the entire model; it will tone down the shiny parts and settle into the crevices to form shadows. Wash the entire model,even your Army dude and let it sit for a day. Depending on which type of paint you use take 10% paint to 90% thinner. It also helps the powders or pastels to adhere in weathering. I really like all the colors I can see in your weathering, a lot of people miss that, I’ve never seen anything in heavy use that hasn’t various shades of color in it. And this also makes you the 3rd completer of the Campaign, Congrats. Thanks for the kind words and any help with the rest of the Campaign would be much appreciated. You take care of that ankle,
So far the completion status
1st. David Carlson CALLSIGN: TheDiggs, USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS (DE 413)
2nd. Thomas F. Sweeney, CALLSIGN: tsweeney, Diorama Tarawa Marines at the wall
3rd. Sal CALLSIGN: ltb073, LVT 4 Saipan
Close to completion;
Grant Voakes, CALLSIGN: GVoakes, to finish just pick one of the models submitted in the gallery and select the reference for it.