I've been surfing this website for quite some time but never become a member or posted anything. I've modeling for some time but only recently have my skills improved - thanks mainly to Model Military International and this website.
Anyway, I thought it was time to post some photos of my first ever Dragon build, the venerable King Tiger, kit no. 6254 (Battle of the Bulge).
I got on ok with the kit, but spent some really frustrating hours building it - yearning for the less complicated and easier to build Tamiya models. THE MOST frustrating thing was attaching all the roads wheels and merrily gluing the idler wheel in place, only to realise once all the Magic Tracks were made that the idler wheel needed to be loose to adjust the track tension! Much cursing. I figured that it would have to do.
Just one more thing, these are my early build photos (build in progress). I'm not a rivet counter and I really don't care if my models have the wrong type of tracks or colour paint. When I model, I do it for enjoyment and to try and create the right artistic feel (lets face it, no-one else looks at the finished product other than obliging family members...
So please feel free to offer productive feedback on how I can improve my painting skills, thanks!!
Ready for the turret and hull to be painted