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Are those tracks really that bad to work with?
Chad, yes they are!
The links come in pairs, (on little individual sprues), one marked "left" the other as "right". It takes 6 snips to get these very delicate links off their sprue, and there are approximately 88 indi links per each track side. Even with a good quality sprue/part snipper, fine sanding is required to clean the links up so they will fit together properly. You have to be careful here as these links can break if the sanding is done too firmly.
For assembly, a piece of double sided sticky tape is required, one side sticks to the work surface, the other side holds the links as they are assembled. The assembly side can't be too sticky, or the links/track will bust when you are trying to get them off the tape after assembly.
After slipping two individual track links together, a very very tiny pin, that is molded on the end of a small sprue, (the sprue looks like a mini sausage---see the first two pics), has to be inserted through a small hole in the links to join them together. Once these pins are fully dry, (I wait a day), they have to be snipped off cleanly from the little sausage shaped sprue.
Positioning the links together on the tape, and holding them still, (while trying to insert a teeny glue laden track pin), takes patience, (cause you get to do it about 170 times --- lol).
Dave Tong, (aka SS74), has told me its no picnic trying to get the fully assembled track onto the suspension either, as a final little track pin has to be installed (when the tracks are on the suspension), to tie the whole thing together.
Chad, don't get me wrong, these tracks look great once a length is done, its just very time consuming work to get to that point.
If I had to chose between similar kits, with the only difference being these types of tracks, or something much simpler, I'd take the simpler route. That's just me however. If someone enjoys the challenge of working/fiddling with petite parts, then the tracks in this kit are right up their alley.
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Steve btw are tose winterketten
Hi Ron---no sir.
Thanks to all for your kind comments.