Armor/AFV: Axis - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Axis forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
Ersatz Nachtjäger VI ausf B
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Vendee, France
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Posted: Monday, November 02, 2009 - 12:56 PM UTC
ok it has been a long start but I decide to switch to low level detail mod and it took me some time .

Ersatz panzer means a panzer made of you actually can find at the moment. In addition if those parts can add something to the battle efficiency... you won the game

Nachtjäger - a tank with IR equipment which can fight during the night. It must see and it shouldn't be seen!!

The late Panther G were equipped with flame suppressors which were making the glowing, hot exhaust pipes less visible. If it works well on a Panther why wouldn't we try to fit one on a Tiger B? Especially on one which should stay stealth as long as possible. I say we do it

Here I present officially modified Tiger B exhausts so they can receive the Flammenvernichter mit Absatzkruemmer - flame suppressors with hoods (one is lost due to the battle damage)

This piece of equipment i accompanied by the IR stowage box also found on an abandoned Panther G.

the interesting detail is that the heavy exhaust protection had to be taken off . All fixing screws of the exhausts cover but one have been left in their mounting holes. With the cover in place it would be impossible to fit the IR box. Have you ever seen a Tiger II without the right hand side cover? If the answer would be positive that would mean that such a test was really done... who knows... wait a minute!!! Take a look here

a VERY late vehicle with the right cover missing (taken of for the IR box test? )

Wow! that's cool

Just a tip about making the covers look better (it's not my own idea just saw it somewhere)

all those covers had lifting bolts on each side. Those can easily be made with pins cut short.

Two more parts have been finished till now. The drier and radio operator's hatches (with the second raw of wholes filled with putty as it concerns ONLY late jagdtigers

also the engine cover was done using wire and a small PE part from the griffon set (this set ROCKS!!)

I hope be back soon with more updates.

thanks for watching


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Gelderland, Netherlands
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Posted: Monday, November 02, 2009 - 09:01 PM UTC
While this is a what-if, I must stress that people less informed will quickly take things as fact when not extremely well indicated to be made up.

The clear area on the hull rear was due to the fact the jack and jackblock were dropped, not having anything to do with IR-gear.

Just hoping to make that clear.

Flammenvernichter exhausts HAVE been fitted to a Tiger-B after the war, those were placed horizontal at the top of the exhausts. This was on a Tiger-B used during mine-clearing in Denmark.
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Posted: Monday, November 02, 2009 - 09:23 PM UTC
Well, well, we really are going all out on this one aren't we mate!

Seems like you're pretty excited by this build so it should turn out really special.

I like the angle you are going for, so lets let artistic licence pave the way on this one (just no anti gravity mods or 200mm main gun please!)

Looking forward to seeing more,

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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, November 02, 2009 - 09:47 PM UTC
Interesting project, Pawel. It seems like it will be a unique looking King Tiger.

Looking forward to see more
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, November 02, 2009 - 09:55 PM UTC
Great construction so far Pawel, Looks like another mega build from you again!. good luck man.
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Vendee, France
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Posted: Monday, November 02, 2009 - 11:31 PM UTC

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The clear area on the hull rear was due to the fact the jack and jackblock were dropped, not having anything to do with IR-gear.
Just hoping to make that clear.

just to be clear when I wrote about fitting the IR box I was talking about the heavy exhaust cover being dismounted in order to put the IR box on. Of course it's a kind of a joke, coincidence

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Well, well, we really are going all out on this one aren't we mate!

Seems like you're pretty excited by this build so it should turn out really special.

I like the angle you are going for, so lets let artistic licence pave the way on this one (just no anti gravity mods or 200mm main gun please!)

Looking forward to seeing more,


thanks mate, yeah I really start to like this build, makes me think about the Last Befehls... a passionate build.
No 200mm canon? You think a 250mm would fit better or maybe the 380mm sturmtiger mortar . Ok no gravity pods. That' s a promise

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Interesting project, Pawel. It seems like it will be a unique looking King Tiger.

Looking forward to see more

thanks Jesper, nice to see you around.

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Great construction so far Pawel, Looks like another mega build from you again!. good luck man.

Hi James, thanks. I must say I fall in love with the Griffon set. It's really far more complete than the Lion Roar one being just few $ more expensive. It should be a real fun but somewhat more time-consuming.

thank you all

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Gelderland, Netherlands
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Posted: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 - 01:04 AM UTC
Drat... misread that piece of text then.

Anyhoo, are you familiar with the pics of the Tiger-B with Flammenvernichter exhausts?

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Vendee, France
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Posted: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 - 01:17 AM UTC
Thanks Herbert,

it's ok man.

Yes I know this picture. There are two others pics of this vehicle.

From what I've heard it was taken during some testes in Sweden. You said mine clearing in Denmark. Don't really know where it was really taken. I think it has the late single link tracks.

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Gelderland, Netherlands
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Posted: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 - 01:20 AM UTC
Yeah, could be Sweden as well, I've got to check that.

And it's on single link tracks, so that makes me wonder, were there 2 Tiger-B's with initial turrets outfitted at Haustenbeck, or is this the same one that is now in Bovington?
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Vendee, France
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Posted: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 - 01:32 AM UTC
I think this is the one we see on the pictures above

the one in Bovington doesn't have the zimmerit at all - and I don't hink it has fallen off it's just not there (it's also made of soft steel I guess)

From what I've heard at Haustenbeck there were the two prototypes V1 & V2 the were both captured by the allies.

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Vendee, France
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Posted: Thursday, November 05, 2009 - 09:59 AM UTC
a small doubt here: point 13

part D 22 I should glue it directly on the hull or over the cover of the air intake D25

I know the history of this but just don't know any more how it should be done.... I think on the last befehls XXX I glued over the part D25. Correct or not?

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Gelderland, Netherlands
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Posted: Thursday, November 05, 2009 - 11:27 AM UTC
Directly on the hull.

It is the bolted on cover for the deleted Schnorkel air intake.

The history of the Bovington Tiger-B is that the tracks were swapped from the Tiger-B with the damaged barrel to the other example present there. That combo then went to the museum.
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Södermanland, Sweden
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Posted: Thursday, November 05, 2009 - 11:42 AM UTC

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Thanks Herbert,

it's ok man.

Yes I know this picture. There are two others pics of this vehicle.

From what I've heard it was taken during some testes in Sweden. You said mine clearing in Denmark. Don't really know where it was really taken. I think it has the late single link tracks.


The second picture is, 100% certain, of the Tiger B that Sweden bought after the war. If the two others are of the same tank indeed, they are new to me. I'm always looking for more pictures of this Tiger.
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California, United States
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Posted: Friday, November 06, 2009 - 02:20 PM UTC

Your project is coming along very nicely. Interesting exhaust configuration. Will it clear the main gun when the turret is traversed to the rear?

Here's a link to an article that I found on the Internet concerning the 'Swedish' Kingtiger for anyone interested.

I read through the article and was left with the question of were the single link tracks may have came from on the Swedish Kingtigher? It is however possible that a set of these tracks were fitted to this Kingtiger during restoration? It may also be possible that this kingtiger is tactical turret number 12 of PanzerKompanie Funklenk 316 as indicated in the article? The authors personal guess is that the Swedish Kingtiger was manufactured in February 1944. Tactical turret number 12 of PanzerKompanie Funklenk 316 has already been identified as Fgst. Nr. 280004, a vehicle manufactured in February 1944.

The photos clearly show that the Swedish Kingtiger is an initial production vehicle via the 18 tooth drive sprockets, 10 welded support brackets along each upper sloped armor sides for the armored track gurads, the un-notched side armor extensions for the towing shackles, as well as the armored cover over the wading gear on the rear deck and the welded tool support brackets. The photographs are not clear enough to show the welded over pistol port armored plug on the sides of the turret or the welded over large cartrige ejector / view port on the right side of the turret that would have been present on appoximately the first 16 produced Krupp turrets (Fgst. Nr. V1 - V3 and Fgst. Nr. 280001 to 280011). The one piece monobloc gun barrel and large gun muzzle brake are present. The oval-shaped armored cover for the coolent heater is clearly there in the posted photos under the left hand armored exhuast manifold cover. By the end of January / early February the hulls were already being modified with the coolent heater access port hole and associated internal engine compartment parts. All items consistant of a February production vehicle.

The photo of the Kingtiger with the damaged main gun (identified as possibly being Fgst. Nr. 280009 or 280012 according to the VK45.02 to Tiger II book) was not fitted with the armored cover over the wading gear on the rear deck and strangly it is also not fitted with the oval-shaped armored cover for the coolent heater. The wading gear was dropped around the middle of March 1944. Kingtiger Fgst. Nr. 280009 or 280012 were both March production vehicles. The single link tracks from this vehicle (possibly Fgst. Nr. 280009 or 280012) according to the VK45.02 to Tiger II book were later fitted to Fgst. Nr. V2 (now on display at the Tank Museum in Bovington, England as mentioned here by Herbert. And Pawel, you are correct in that Fgst. Nr. V2 was never covered with Zimmerit (anti-magnetic paste).

Fgst. Nr. 280006 to 280008 are known to have been allocated to Kummersdorf for testing and Fgst. Nr. 280009 to 280012 were allocated to Wa Pruef 6 also for testing but at the Henschel faciality at Haustenbeck. A photograph exists with Fgst. Nr. 280006 (V6) being tested with an experimental exhaust system very simular to that of the exhaust system seen on the Swedish Kingtiger. Fgst. Nr. 280006 is a February 1944 production vehicle. The single link tracks were tested on Fgst. Nr. 280009 or 280012 at the Wa Pruef 6 facility. Could a set of the single link tracks been also tested on V6 at some point? And what became of V6?


The photo that Herbert posted above with the Flammenvernichter exhausts is in fact a photograph of the refurbished Swedish Kingtiger. There is a large unidentified 'S2' marking painted at about the middle of the sloped armor side that is consistant with photographs of the Swedish Kingtiger.

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Vendee, France
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Posted: Friday, November 06, 2009 - 11:00 PM UTC

thanks for the tip! I wasn't sure any more.

Thanks Eddy for that great piece of information. Very interesting! To cover your question

Quoted Text

Will it clear the main gun when the turret is traversed to the rear?

The last Befehlspanzer lost his head for a moment

I think YES but I must admit that I had a moment of panic.... put yourself in my place if it wouldn't have passed LOL

cheers all

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California, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 05:23 PM UTC

You have already proven yourself far-beyond worthy of getting out of some tight model building situations! I'm sure that you would have come up with an excellent alternitive solution had the exhaust configuration not cleared. And with the help of everyones kind input following your build log how in the world could you possibly fail?

And thank you for your kind words Pawel it is very much appriciated. Now, not to keep highjacking your build log here but this photograph has been identified as Kingtiger V6. Fgst. Nr. 280006.

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Vendee, France
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Posted: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 10:09 PM UTC
Thanks Eddy,

I don't really mind the extra information and / or discussions we may have here. I find it's very interesting to share some detailed information about any aspect of the Tiger B. So any inpout is really welcomed.

I'm coming back to the cover of the air intake at the back of the engine plate. The question was should it be placed directly on the hull or with the other part below it. At the beginning I was pretty sure it was going to be fitted directly on the hull and Herbert confirmed this theory. However, on another forum I'm on (a French one) I got the opposite answer... So I started looking here and there (meanwhile the build was not mowing forward ....)

and here's what I found. Two pictures that IMHO prove that the cover should not be glued directly on the hull.

first pic: you can clearly see that there's space between this cover and the hull, so it's not bolted directly on the hull

another picture from jtrowbridge5 site (it's the Shrivenhams King Tiger):

with both of those parts present (even if the cover is not fitted any more)

My build will follow this logic.

Hope to be back really soon with an update

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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 03:31 AM UTC
Is that the cover sitting to the rear right of this photo?
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New York, United States
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Posted: Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 04:07 AM UTC
I have to say , the exhast system really looks weird, and i never saw it installed that way before, very interesting, keep up the good work. so it is the same as the late panther G's right. hmmmm
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Vendee, France
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Posted: Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 04:08 AM UTC

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Is that the cover sitting to the rear right of this photo?

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Wales, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 08:19 AM UTC
Hi Pawel sorry but i'm a bit late on this one. great idea, like the sound of a Tiger B "Night Hunter" Nice touch on the Flammvernichter. With it being such a late war Tiger is it going to be sat on Transport Tracks ? Maybe you could also add T.S.R.1 extending observation periscope. This extended through a hole in a redesigned commanders cupola without opening the hatch. I suppose there are lots of stuff that could be borrowed off the Panther F to this late Tiger. The armour plates fitted to the back of the IR Panther G were put there for a few Pz Gren's to ride on the back and protect the Tank Commander when he was exposed looking through the FG 1250 IR sight and scope, these grenadier were armed with Valkarie MP 44 IR assault rifles. I would think that they were a field mod, but I'm not really sure? One big problem with that set up is the turret wouldn't be able to 360, but then again well trained TC with IR training must of also been thin on the ground too. Following with pleasure, as always looking forward to your camo ideas. Cheers Geraint
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Posted: Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 04:05 PM UTC

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a small doubt here: point 13

part D 22 I should glue it directly on the hull or over the cover of the air intake D25

I know the history of this but just don't know any more how it should be done.... I think on the last befehls XXX I glued over the part D25. Correct or not?



Concerning your question In build section 13 of the Dragon kit instructions.

The opening at the rear of the engine deck plate between the fuel filler cap (part C23) and water coolent filler cap (part C24) as you know was for the deep wading telescoping air intake tubes that were installed on the initial production vehicles with the hinged armored cover that had originally been designed for the Panther Ausf. D. When the deep wading gear was dropped from production in March '44 and armored cover no longer installed a circular armored flange with a wire mesh screen (part D25) was bolted over the air intake opening. The deep wading tubes support pipe was however still installed beneath the rear engine deck to protect the fuel filler tank and engine compartment from shell fragments. Very early in September '44 when the support pipe was no longer installed an armored cover (part D22) was bolted over the circular armored flange (part D25) to provide the same protection against shell fragments. There should be a very small gap between the armored cover part (D22) and circular armored flange (part D25) to allow air flow through the opening on the circular armored flange.

'I think on the last befehls XXX I glued over the part D25. Correct or not?' Pawel you are CORRECT!

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Vendee, France
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Posted: Friday, November 13, 2009 - 01:20 PM UTC

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Hi Pawel sorry but i'm a bit late on this one. great idea, like the sound of a Tiger B "Night Hunter" Nice touch on the Flammvernichter. With it being such a late war Tiger is it going to be sat on Transport Tracks ? Maybe you could also add T.S.R.1 extending observation periscope. This extended through a hole in a redesigned commanders cupola without opening the hatch. I suppose there are lots of stuff that could be borrowed off the Panther F to this late Tiger. The armour plates fitted to the back of the IR Panther G were put there for a few Pz Gren's to ride on the back and protect the Tank Commander when he was exposed looking through the FG 1250 IR sight and scope, these grenadier were armed with Valkarie MP 44 IR assault rifles. I would think that they were a field mod, but I'm not really sure? One big problem with that set up is the turret wouldn't be able to 360, but then again well trained TC with IR training must of also been thin on the ground too. Following with pleasure, as always looking forward to your camo ideas. Cheers Geraint

WOW Mr Geraint welcome back As you'll see I decide to go with the most standard battle tracks. I just like their vey straight and wide look. Wide means a lot of mud on The screens for the pz Grenadiers are in the design department. It's possible however unsure that the local engineer will come p with something I will have a nachtajeger figures set coming my way but it won't be any soon.

thanks for dropping in and hope to see you as always.


I mostly appreciate your technical (and nayother comments). It will surely add a lot to the thread as the build itself is not going very fast LOL

thanks man!
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Vendee, France
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Posted: Friday, November 13, 2009 - 01:27 PM UTC
Ok here we go with a small update. The tracks are assembled and glued together but as always the will be taken of for the painting. The upper hull is well advanced. I will still add few things shortly. The sides are clear from any parts for now as I wanted to wait till gluing the upper hull with its lower part. Few images:

Just a few words about the griffon set. It's ABSOLUTELY wonderful with more details than any other set I know. The quality as well as the detail levels are almost unmatched. An example: welds that go beneath every hook on the upper hull.

will be back soon (I hope )

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Gelderland, Netherlands
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Posted: Friday, November 13, 2009 - 02:32 PM UTC
To be clear, I didn't mean the bolted plate on the actual Tiger-B was bolted directly to the hull, but I was referring to the kit-part.

It's been a while that I tackled that area on the Tiger-B model and from memory, I said it should just be that single part.

My bad.