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More Pz II Luchs in Progress
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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Sunday, July 13, 2003 - 03:06 PM UTC
Next Step... Tracks/Overspray/Future/Decals/Future/Wash/Drybrushing/Pastels... etc... etc..

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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Sunday, July 13, 2003 - 03:16 PM UTC
Looking really good, Tuna. Nice and clean, I love the camo... love the air intakes.. very neatly and precisely done. I think it'll take me many many models and much time to get as experienced as this. What sort of weathering are you planning on doing, if any?

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Donegal, Ireland
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Posted: Sunday, July 13, 2003 - 03:26 PM UTC
Lookin good Tuna! I really like the PE when painted up! Its starting to come together nicely. Who is the manufacturer of this kit?
Those unpainted inner white wheels really stand out... are you gonna dirty this baby up big time? Is that a avery subtle camo on the vehicle? Will all the weathering not hide this?
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Wyoming, United States
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Posted: Sunday, July 13, 2003 - 03:42 PM UTC
yea looks great, the pe does look good, cant wait to see more pics

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Posted: Sunday, July 13, 2003 - 04:03 PM UTC
looking good so far! i wonder what it would look like when it is done
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Damansara, Malaysia
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Posted: Sunday, July 13, 2003 - 05:31 PM UTC
Great looks!
Can't wait to see your finished project. :-)
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Limburg, Netherlands
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Posted: Sunday, July 13, 2003 - 08:00 PM UTC
hi tuna I'd love 2 see the pictures but they dont show here

just white's with red cross

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Maryland, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 14, 2003 - 12:08 AM UTC
Looks great TUNA, I have a question. What kit is this? Would be interested in building this version of the Pz II.
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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 14, 2003 - 12:58 AM UTC
Looks great, Charlie. Color scheme is right-on. The PE engine grilles look very nice, as do the pioneer tools. Will look great when decaled and weathered.

Three thumbs up......


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Posted: Monday, July 14, 2003 - 01:07 AM UTC

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Looks great TUNA, I have a question. What kit is this? Would be interested in building this version of the Pz II.

It's the PzKpfw II Ausf L "Luchs". I've got the ICM kit, Charlie is building someone else's brand...Mirage rings a bell? It is a cool, late model reconnaissance tank (1944?).

Great job Charlie, hope my ICM kit looks half as good as yours. Is that the kit barrel, or did you find an aftermarket one?
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Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 14, 2003 - 02:42 AM UTC
Tuna----great looking effort here. I like the overall look, plus the pe and tool work.

What paint have you used on the tool handles---looks good. I always use the raw sienna but would like to try and achieve the look you have here, so I was just curious. Thanks

Good stuff.

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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 14, 2003 - 09:03 AM UTC
Hi guys,

It's the Mirage Hobby kit.. it's plus over the ICM kit is that it comes with etch for the Grilles (very nice etch on the grilles too) and Tow Rope Clasps (ICM kit does come with a nice figure though)... some of the tools however were real bad.. so I replaced with the Tamiya PZ IV kit tools.... Clasps and hinges for the Storage Boxes were improvising with scrap etch and brass wire... Gas Cans were from the Tamiya German Fuel Set.. and the straps on them were just stryene

Barrel is the kit barrel.. that's one thing I hear about the ICM kit, is that barrel is a dog!

On the wood, it's a new color I was trying is Model Master Acrylic "Wood".. I like it so far.. we'll see after weathering...

I didn't paint that back of the road wheels hoping that the tracks will hide that...

For people interested in doing a Pz II L there is a new one coming out.. Alpenflage mentioned it on my earlier posts.. I just keep forgetting the company name...

This kit has been a lot of fun.. even though the tools were bad and there were some fit probs...

Hopefully it'll continue to be fun throught the final stages!

thanks for the nice comments!

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Rhode Island, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 06:12 AM UTC
Tuna if you get a chance,are you going to add the clipping part of the tool clips?similar to the eduard 007 parts?
If not,flattened,and bent copper wire would work,though you would have to paint it.
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 01:11 PM UTC
Hi Tuna,
The dunkelgelb looks a little pale and bright, the green too bright also. Have you seen this...... AFV Camo colours
I hope this helps....
The job you have done is good but for those simple points. The camera may be giving a false impression of the colour. Try Photoshop tweaks.
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Georgia, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 01:35 PM UTC

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The dunkelgelb looks a little pale and bright, the green too bright also.

The colors look like they're probably alright to me. It's my understanding (which could be wrong) that there is real uncertainty over the exact color of German WWII paints. Paint chips fade/bleach/oxidize/develop layers of dirt, smoke, etc. over time. Old color film is notoriously unreliable. I'm convincable to the contrary on this point, I've just never seen the evidence to make me comfortable that anyone really knows the precise shades of these colors. (I'd really, REALLY welcome some very convincing and concrete evidence on what the exact shades and tints were; I just don't know of any).

Different companies have different conceptions of these colors. Looks to me as though Tuna might have used MM acrylics, which run towards a greenish dunkelgelb and a not-very-drab green. MM may be wrong, but I am currently unaware of good proof that they are. Regardless of brand, Tuna's are likely to be in the range of what may have been right.

That said, I may have one quibble with the paint job, Tuna. It looks to me as though one of the "stripes" that runs right down the middle of the front of the hull (starts under the barrel, runs between the vision ports, then just to left of center on the glacis) is different in intensity than the other stripes. It also appears to have a little bit of the phenomenon wherein the oustide of the AB spray path is slightly darker than the center (usually too much air pressure too close with wet paint). This may be a trick of the camera, or it may be intentional. Maybe the German who sprayed this one varied the distance he held the sprayer above the surface of the tank?

IF you wanted to change it, you could probably just give it a light overspray around the edges with your dunkelgelb. But it looks darn good as is.
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Georgia, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 01:37 PM UTC
Sorry, I meant to add that the colors will be alright after a wash and drybrush. They probably are just a little bright (because of the scale effect) as they are, but I presume they'll tone down a touch once Tuna puts on the finishing coats.
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 01:47 PM UTC
Part timer
You are right in what you say re; swatches etc... if you need convincing read my article. A link can be found on my previous post.
Hope it helps
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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 02:10 PM UTC
Actually I prefer lighter at this point.. cause the colors always get darker after that first coat of Future... so after my wash and stuff.. I think things get a lil darker

I was using Tamiya Dark Yellow and Olive Green

I'm not a Rivet Counter, so it doesn't bother me if I'm off a lil.. I just enjoy the hobby! Only reason I didn't do the kit oob is some of the detail was really bad... I looked in my etch box for tool claspes.. but didn't find any.. the wire was a good idea.. I should've tried that! Well now I'll know for next time...

Right now struggling with the tracks.. it's rough getting them around that sprocket with the upper body glued on... I'm looking at my Stug with the fenders already glued on and dreading that one.. last DML Pz III I did.. I put the Fender on after the tracks.. I wish I waited on the Stug.. oh well live and learn...