Had this kit put up for a month or two. Just finally got around to buying the paints I needed to complete it. Obviously, the barrell is at the wrong angle. I am think of raising the wheels on a dune to adjust, but have been having some technical dificulties in doing so. Also, the rest of the crew's hands are too closed to hold the shells. I've tried a heat gun and an auger with no luck. OOPs, forgot the touchup on his boots and face. Nothing a little paint and 5 minutes won't solve. Otherwise, a little foliage and this dio is complete. My grandfather was a battery commander in the Pacific Theater. I went with North Afrika on a whim. Will insert a 'flag' made from a pin and some foil to point him out, when finished. Let me know what you guys think. And, please no "can'ts, don'ts, won'ts, nevers, or always". Those are excuses. Extra KP duty from your Drill Sgt. if you do. LOL.