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Gaz AA guntruck
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Saturday, December 19, 2009 - 10:29 AM UTC
like to share my latest contraption, it's a Gaz AA truck from Zvesda combined with a Breda gun from the desert LRDG Tamiya truck, as this combo has already been build by someone, I was thinking what can I do to use the gun and a truck but different, so I started , and after some fillin' and pasting the Gaz is practically done, and the Breda gun got the second option sights, the others had the scope in a down folded position molded , and it didn't look right, people who build this little kit must have had the same problem..?
and findin' some decent material on the subject is a quest on it's own,
but havin' looked at some pics from Italian models I decided this to be a more "hardcore" look.

The concept behind this one is going in the direction of a " beute" Gaz AA, with a Breda gun in the back, occupied by some FJ, those where rather hardcore and use all you get type of soldiers.
( the idea could still change)

Tha Pit
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Sunday, December 20, 2009 - 08:53 AM UTC
no reply's?

Oh well, no problem

made a mount for the gun

painted it dark green, and the wood, beige

then a coat of Sols

now drying, next up is hairspray, and another coat of lighter green

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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, December 20, 2009 - 09:28 AM UTC
Very nice, and sorry I missed it yesterday. I've been playing around with a similar idea, except with a GAZ-AAA, for a few months now, so I'll be following your progress with a keen eye stealing tips where I may.

So you're not going for any PE on the GAZ?
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Sunday, December 20, 2009 - 09:53 AM UTC
Thanks Tarok, no pe, i'm a cheap b*stard
and I had it laying around, already cleaned up (i sometimes just clean kits,and put'm in a box.)
and after searching the net for some "cool" pics, I decided that this was the opportunity to make some "stash" space, aka start building all those kits laying around

your Idea isn't bad either a Gaz AAA could take a 3.7 Flak i guess,or the Breda with some extra space, because this AA is soo small, I think it's only good for some quick small scale defensive actions, too little place to put enough ammo and stuff.
A GazAAA would be a more spacie vehicle

I'm looking for a Zvesda Truck, the german one, and putting some goodies onto that one too

I am not sure as how to proceed now, paint it in a spring/summer tone, or go winter scheme, I will have to figure out what figure i will put on, I was thinking of the new winter Germans from dragon, the set with the furcoats standing guard,
I first wanted to put a moded fig into the seat of the gun, but I'd have to make a verry strange fig , can't figure out where in gods name the right leg of the gunner should go?...

made some ammo boxes, duplicating them in plastic card from the original in the kit, almost got it to look like the original, will post pics later..

greetz Tha Pit
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, December 20, 2009 - 10:23 AM UTC

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can't figure out where in gods name the right leg of the gunner should go?...

Now that you mention it, that is wierd. To state the obvious, that handwheel seems to be in the way.
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Sunday, December 20, 2009 - 10:45 AM UTC
yup he'll have to have a flexible femur

and didn't you love the way the instructions show you how to put the optical on
on the Tamiya box art (with the LRGD) it shows the configuration i have, inside the box, on the instructions you only get the other visors in the stowed position??? duuuh

this has troubled me for a long time now, how in the name of .. is it possible today to bring out kits with those "blunders" , doesn't anyone build them before they put'm into mass production???

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Hamilton, New Zealand
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Posted: Sunday, December 20, 2009 - 11:48 AM UTC

Looks like the leg goes over rather than under.
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Sunday, December 20, 2009 - 10:15 PM UTC
yes Dean, I have seen this picture, but I guess there is ,or a construction fault of me, or a design fault at Italeri.
i don't know if you have build the Breda kit, but it looks unreal fitting a figure onto it like in that pic, the picture depicts a photo op, not combat, i guess the gunner had to be verry careful , not to get his Knee smashed by the recoil of the gun.

anyways, thanks for responds, more brains make .....euh....more Q's

back to the b.. euh models

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Hamilton, New Zealand
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Posted: Sunday, December 20, 2009 - 10:24 PM UTC
Yeah I have a couple of the Tamiya LRDG/Breda kits, but haven't built them yet. I actually wondered if the seat arrangment in the LRDG Chevy was to allow it to traverse in the bed of the truck as the only decent photos of the Breda out of a truck that I could find show it with the seat either removed or set much further back.

I don't know if it can be pushed in/pulled out for transport, or if they shortened it, or if that is indeed how it was meant to be used, but for a towed weapon ( initially ) it seems unnecessarily compact.
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Canelones, Uruguay
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Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 - 12:29 AM UTC
Nice project, I don't know nothing about the breda, but your Truck looks great!

Regards, Alvaro
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 - 01:43 AM UTC

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but for a towed weapon ( initially ) it seems unnecessarily compact.

it's italian dude, form before function

weird Italians, brilliant weapons they had, only none where exactly "right", if you know what I mean.

well it's up to us modelers to give'm an extra "edge" hé

@Alewar, Uruguay, that's a long way from my place!Guess it isn't -15 and snowing over there hé
nice to hear you like my "work"

greetz Tha Pit
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 - 04:25 AM UTC
well another day in the cold and snow, I decided to stay indoors, and.. model some,love the hairspay, just takes some patience

hope you like

and after

and as always I had a little F**k up, seems the base for the cabine is made just a little too big, and i assembled the cab seperately, so I didn't notice, DUUUH, lucky me, i got it to fit by fillin off some of the radiator, et voila , it fits, kinda

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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - 05:23 AM UTC
Very nice new project! The worn paint is excellent and with a bit of dirt and stains in coming wheathering phases it will be superb.

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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - 07:55 AM UTC
well John then you're gonna like this update

I love hairspray, just some more practice, but it's gettin' somewhere I think

the underplate for the Breda was first painted in various shades of brown and red, oranje,a brybrush of metalsome hints of black oilpaint, a layer of Hairspray and then a coat of 'darkish yellow" , the breda had some washes drybrushes with metal, and light green, ...

I painted the "welds" a dark granit grey with metal, and some white and alu points
hope it looks like a weld

managed to make a crosshair with, euh, some hair

other side

cargo area

right side

left side

inhanced the radiator with gold, alu drybrushes, make it look like something old , I guess

well hope you guys like it

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Minnesota, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - 08:12 AM UTC
Please tell us about building the GAZ truck.
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - 08:30 AM UTC
well Dan ,not much to say, clean up the parts, and start glueing

only be carefull to testfit the cab, you might need some filler here and there


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Canelones, Uruguay
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Posted: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 12:53 AM UTC
Nice pics and job. I don't have any softskin, but you're changing my mind (as Patrice help too.)

We have 26 C now and I never see snow in person . Anyway as we have heavy influenze of Spanish, Italians, Frenchs, Germans and less of any country in the world, aside our "asado" or BBQ, in Xmas we still eat the same that you !!!! . Food for winter in summer!!!! . My grand grand father come from Genova.

Its a small world, my boss last name is Uyterhoeven, and their relatives come from your country after WWI. Mine come with Garibaldi, some kind of "Lenin" to us.

Regards,and Felices Fiestas!!!

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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 08:20 AM UTC

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We have 26 C now and I never see snow in person

you haven't missed much
it's cold, white,wet when molten
you can throw it on someone,or it can be thrown at you
and the only 2 major advantages of Snow
fresh snow cleans your white sneakers
and you can write your name with your.....(we'll that's gonna be censured )

oeps back to the truck thingie

saw a lot of vehicles covered with straw bundels, guess them IL2 swarms got thicker with every year of the war

so with the help of my father in law's (forgotten) pastebrush (to put walpaperpaste on)
and some paint, I wonder what you guys (and girls, like girls know how to model, whoehahahaha ... )
think of it

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Canelones, Uruguay
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Posted: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 08:40 AM UTC
Yeap, I miss a lot , anyway I live in a beach, so I have something white too, but not cold

A father comes closer to the window and he tells to his wife "somebody had written loves you in the snow." The mother comes closer to the window and she says "is our daughter's letter"

I like the added straw bundels. See you after Xmas!

Regards from the South

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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Saturday, December 26, 2009 - 07:01 AM UTC
after those 1017 reply's, euh views, time for an update
had some "look a like" ammo boxes, will cover them with a tarp later, just to fill the cargo area.
made one box open and made some "bullets" so it looks like there is still a charger in there.

also painted the ammo rack

and as the vehicle is slightly "flaked" in the paint department I thought why not do the same with the base...(yeah yeah it's green too, but I tried the gay pink with yellow dots, but it just didn't work )
corner 1


and another

and some more "hay" but I think I'm gonna swap it for a finer variant I found

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Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 08, 2010 - 06:28 PM UTC

I like it alot,,fine job.................Monty
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Ain, France
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Posted: Friday, January 08, 2010 - 09:03 PM UTC

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and you can write your name with your.....(we'll that's gonna be censured )

Yeah, it's good to be a man.

Damn, some FANTASTIC work on this guntruck.
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Thessaloniki, Greece / Ελλάδα
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Posted: Sunday, January 10, 2010 - 06:42 AM UTC
Fantastic paint job Pit.Really awesome!
I would like to ask you what method do you follow for the scratches?
Just a thin brash,or the nose of a needle?
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Sunday, January 10, 2010 - 03:51 PM UTC
Thanks Monty, glad you like it

@Joris, at last, someone with taste and humor
Thanks man

@zisis, thanks you for the kind words, I used the tip of a "sate stick", don't know the exact word, but those little wooden picky thingies...
but I also used a needle, an older stiffer brush (those cheap one's where you get 2 usables and the rest is only good for 4 year olds, I used the latter (no need in making things difficult hé )
also used are a finger (can(t remember witch one, lol, but I guess you'll need some kind of nail on your finger )
a stiff piece of plastic stick (some streched sprue works 2 )
anything thats not too hard can be used, the big trick is a drop of water on a spot where you want the scraches, then wait (this can go verrry quick, or takes a min or so,depending on how thick the top layer is.
As for colours, I use Revell Aqua paints, little demin water, some car window liquid (or I sometimes use a defuser for acryl paints (acts the same I guess)
After the primer coat, I sprayed BEIGE as base colour (you can varie that with addition of some darker brown, or more red /orange tints) then depending on end result wanted, I give it a verry faint wash with oil paints, burned sienna (among other brown tints)
then after drying a night,( in my case 10 minutes with the hairdryer )
you put on a coat of hairspray, depending on how big the scratches and chips have to be, bigger ones more hairspray, ect
then , spray on (in my case green) last coat,
then you have the choice, either start directly, being carefull with the water and scratching, or you leave it for some time (again I am a patient man (NOT) so I use the hairdryer again )
and then you start picking and scratching,
BEWARE of overkill, take a pictures inbetween scratchin, on a pc , you sometims see better the scale effect, I mean, it's easy to go overboard, looks the sh*t, but at the end it isn't that realistic having a vehicle that is 2 years old and looks like the wrecks they dig up in Estonia in 2009.
After that is all done , give it a wash with a darker brownish colour, whatever looks good to you, and to have that extra add some little scratches in a light yellow green colour, place them where the scratch would have "begun", this gives more depth in your scratch, on metal you could also add some rust colour oil , just a little little point of oil pait, then take a dry flat brush and gently stroke down.

so, I'm currentlu workin on a cover for the truck, but that's easier said then done
should have done that when it was still unpainted, but I'll get around that
and the hay will be changed for a "finer" version.

well hope you understand my mambo

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Thessaloniki, Greece / Ελλάδα
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Posted: Monday, January 11, 2010 - 08:40 AM UTC
Thanx a lot mate!Looking forward to see it finished,keep up the good work.