After a few times spent tweaking the features on how to post photos directly on a post, here we go!
This are photos of a Zvesda T-26. The kit as a whole is quite a snugg fit exept for a few parts which have to - either way be thinned using PE, rebuilt, or in the case of the tracks... Well no comment! They are too short to properly fit onto the model, so I ordered some from FriulModel which I shall receive shortly.
I still have to create the bulb on the head lamp, create weld seams at the base of the rail turret posts before painting the whole model.
The rail is scratchbuilt from copper/ brass. Only a shame I do not have an soldering iron! The job would have been easier!
Now the interesting thing is that I made a mistake assembling this kit! Can anyone find it where?
Well after nearly 20 years stopping modeling and only 5 kits so far under the belt... What would you expect?
Please leave me your comments :-)