Ola 19delta
First of all I really like the idea of this dio and it will look good when finished. The Kubelwagen is very cleanly built and the paintjob is good too, very convincing.
Bout the figures I have only a couple of nitpicks wich are that on both figures seamlines are visible on the legs and the boots of both figs are a bit too shiney but that are only nitpicks as the painting of the figures is good .
My English is far from perfect so hit my on the head if I say stupid things after this but as your road is painted now I suggest that you drybrush it in various tones of browns and greys and run some washes on it to get some black, grey and sand color in all nooks and crannies of the brickwork.
Are you going to built the Tavern yourself??? If so what are you going to use? Cork, Styrofoam, Plaster, foamcore??? I would like to know this
My 2 cents