Vinnie, you did a pretty good job on this one. I have done three of these now and I know what you have accomplished and how much it means. Without trying to seem like a now it all, I would like to make a couple of observations.
The first regards the special lighted siren on the front left side. The whole thing is painted OD and you did not see any chrome on it. Tamiya made the front piece chrome so that the lens would look right.
Thes second comment is about the air brakes. On the two rear axle assemblys there are four hoses leading down to the cylinders at the corners of the assembly for the air brakes. Tamiya, for some reason, chose to omit these. They were very evident and when they are missing it is very noticeable:
And lastly, the fifth wheel assembly on a truck is weighted on the back so that it always rests on the two tabs in the back, which makes it easier to load a trailer.
Other than these three small things it looks great. It took me a couple months to do mine and so I am sure you are quite proud of your achievement. I cannot wait to see it when it is finished.
Steve this is the Tamiya M-26 Dragon Wagon (kit #35244). They also have another one of it with the M-15 trailer called the US 40 Ton Tank Transporter(Kit #35230). The kit pictured has some extras so you can raise and lower the lifting boom wich the other kit omits, while the other kit comes with, of course, the trailer and all kinds of tackle for hauling tanks. The kit has to be one of the easiest builds I have ever doen for a kit this size and there is little modification needed to make an accurate model. Royal Models makes a great resin and PE AM kit for it and Eduard does one pe set for the interior, one for the exterior, and one for the trailer. I have never used any of the eduard stuff, but it looks good in the site pictures.
And here's an insight, get one ebay and you will get it for about $40 whereas Hobby Lobby has it for $80. Or wait for a half price sale at Hobby Lobby.
Thanks for sharing the model Vinnie.