Well first of all thanks for your kind words.
I choose the Chilean army as a topic because im Chilean, born and raised , i moved to the States back in 98, thats why i fly under the Star Spangled Banner. In regards the recent purchases of material that Klinker mentions in recent years the armed forces have spend a lot of bucks. The army now got Leopards 1V and 2A4s, Marders, M-113s,Guepards, M-109s and few other toys.
Paul, yes im going to do periscopes and lots of details that are missing, its a work in progress, i jus got the tracks from IFV club to replace the vynil ones.
Frank i took your words as constructuve advice nothing more nothing less, im here to learn, After the extra detailing is done i will get the decals, just 2 , one chevron on each side, and work on paneling and detailing, unfortunalety i havent seen any picture of the units wearing any kind of stowage or tools to break the dullness of the vehicle so i think my option will be to work in drybrushing to raise details and probably do a wash wiht a pink hue to get closer of the real color of the camo.
i appretiate your words of advice and your cheering. Thanks