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IFV Marder 1/35 Chilean Army
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California, United States
Joined: February 12, 2010
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Posted: Friday, February 12, 2010 - 11:07 AM UTC
I got interested on the Marder when i found that the Chilean army bought some units form the German Army surplus. I have never build an armor vehicle before this will be my opera prima, I usually build 1/48 propeller planes WW2 era.
Well this is a work in progress, far to be complete, theres a lot of work ahead, and i would like to have some feedback about it, how bad is going what you will correct and so on. The pictures are not that good ,they were taken on my work bench with artificial lightning so bear with them please. Also the Milan rocket is missing because the Chilean Army will not use it.

In advance thanks a lot for your time and any advice that you could provide.

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Texas, United States
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Posted: Friday, February 12, 2010 - 03:37 PM UTC
The Marder 1A3 looks good in that color. Nice build. Are you going to fill in the periscopes?

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Hamilton, New Zealand
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Posted: Friday, February 12, 2010 - 06:13 PM UTC
Looks good from what I can see,nice clean build and paint
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Tasmania, Australia
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Posted: Friday, February 12, 2010 - 10:09 PM UTC
Different idea doing a Chilean vehicle!!! well done can't remember anyone doing a Chilean Armored vehicle before.

The Marder looks good in that colour too.

I read awhile back that the Chileans buy a lot of IDF surplus kit too... upgraded half-tracks Shermans etc...

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Donegal, Ireland
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Posted: Friday, February 12, 2010 - 10:31 PM UTC
Hi Claudio. Im not faulting your work ... the build and paint job are decent enough ... but as a model I find this quite boring. The base colour is very monotone and the weathering exaggerates this. Some washes and drybrushes (or alternative painting skills) to lift or "pop" the details would be great, as would some markings and/or stowage to contrast from the base colour, and to give the model some "life".
The base colour and dust are pretty similar in colour and this has also brought the tracks down to the same hue. In my opinion, Id use a lighter/different dust colour, which can washed around details to show them up better. Just some constructive feedback .... and hopefully you see it as that.
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California, United States
Joined: February 12, 2010
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Posted: Monday, February 15, 2010 - 11:02 AM UTC
Well first of all thanks for your kind words.
I choose the Chilean army as a topic because im Chilean, born and raised , i moved to the States back in 98, thats why i fly under the Star Spangled Banner. In regards the recent purchases of material that Klinker mentions in recent years the armed forces have spend a lot of bucks. The army now got Leopards 1V and 2A4s, Marders, M-113s,Guepards, M-109s and few other toys.
Paul, yes im going to do periscopes and lots of details that are missing, its a work in progress, i jus got the tracks from IFV club to replace the vynil ones.
Frank i took your words as constructuve advice nothing more nothing less, im here to learn, After the extra detailing is done i will get the decals, just 2 , one chevron on each side, and work on paneling and detailing, unfortunalety i havent seen any picture of the units wearing any kind of stowage or tools to break the dullness of the vehicle so i think my option will be to work in drybrushing to raise details and probably do a wash wiht a pink hue to get closer of the real color of the camo.
i appretiate your words of advice and your cheering. Thanks