This is a nice kit, with an aluminum turned barrel, working recoil system, nifty interior, and just all around good fit and molding quality. I would recommend this kit to anyone.
Based on actual photos, I have tried to replicate damage to the M10's front fenders, added a can holder on the front hull, and a crossbar across the front plate to add extra gear/stowage. There is a helmet stuck over one front light, and a bucket on the other. From actual photos, this stuff appeared to be field applied with a lot of variety apparent among vehicles.
I still have to decal the model, and Dave Tong is sending me some accessory 76mm ammo which I'll plop into the turret stowage racks, (kind of hard to believe AFV would produce a tank destroyer and then not provide some rounds for storage).
One question for the experts out there. One of the pics is a close up of the foundry marks on the turret mantlet. Please note they are upside down and backwards when viewed from head on ---is this prototypical, or a molding goof up from AFV?
As always, helpful comments are appreciated, and thanks.