thanks for all the input guys, will try to answer all your questions,
(climbing onto soap box taking a very deep breath)
first off everybody commented on the tracks, they are fruil tracks, as for weathering, I operate a Caterpillar D-11 dozer for a living, and I have never seen a machine that was in use that had any rust on the tracks, and if there was rust it was fine surface rust that was worn off in the first 50 to 100 feet of movement, Ill give ya an example of tracks, the machine that sets on them weighs probably more than 30 tons, a lot of weight there, grinding down, not just on the track cleats, but the whole track gets down and dirty, the dozer im running now was new in january of this year, the paint on the tracks lasted less than a week before it was completely worn off, and Cat uses some pretty tough paint, but the example, take a hand full of dirt from around your house, go to your car hood(simulating the track plate) and put the dirt there, press your hand down on the dirt and turn it around in a circle, mimicking a track being drug through a turn, as one track turns the other locks up thus making the machine turn, after this with your hand inspect the paint, that was done with just a few pounds of pressure your had exerted, multiply that by 30 tons and you get the idea of how sandblasted and bright the tracks are on equipment that is in use,check em out at any construction site, !!!!BUT!!!! that is just my point of view from the operators seat, personal preferance is everything in modeling. all i did to my tracks is a dark wash, then some dry brushing on the high points with silver argent (?) sorry I always seem to get long winded on the subject of tracks....
the turret is an MB models resin '45 vintage composit turret, as far as I was able to research, it is correct with the weld seams and the detail is very nice. the russians had an amazing amount of different turrets for the same model tank.
check out these links for info, the kit is an old tamiya that can be motorized, so fit and detail are lacking... all the grab handles and tie downs are wire, and the fact that the turret hits the handles on the deck is my fault, measure twice, drill once, unfortunatly I didnt notice this until the glue was and learn i guess.
the turret and markings are for a tank in berlin in '45, i modeled it as a newer replacement, the russians went through quite a few to get into berlin, so not too beat, the fenders, I found in photos that alot had the fenders removed, im guessing from abuse or what ever, just thought it looked better that way so....
the paint is MM Russian armor, seemed way to light before the dull coat, but after I think it looks pretty good, IMHO, the paint color that is. as for weathering and paint, it is actually a little darker in person than shows up in the pics
the pastels used on the under carrige first sprayed with black, then very light russian armor green, then weathered with dark wash around all the lugnuts and seams, then with dark brown and a light tan pastels for the dust on the top sides of the tank, my fault again with light placement and shadows but first try with this stuff on armor. i definately need practice.
the decals are from the kit, settled down with setting soulution. micro set i think.
thanks a ton for all the input, gonna go get after it again and see what I can come up with
thanks again guys.