Hi guys, A new post on my M13/40 in North Africa. It's been a long time getting to this due to the fact that I have to work so hard.... Hope you like it so far. I am a little stuck at the moment......lost my drive for it...so any ideas out there?
Martinus Incontinentius Maximus
(Terribilis est locus iste)
Pig # 18
England - South East, United Kingdom Joined: October 22, 2002
KitMaker: 652 posts
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Very nice shading and rust streaks. Looks like it's been out in the elements. Nice exhausts, too. Now, I'm not a fan of chipped paint weathering, so take this comment with a big grain of salt, but if you're going to have all that chipped paint on the upper surfaces, you're going to need a whole lot more along the hull inside the tracks where the surfaces are going to be assaulted by sand, rocks, branches, etc., every time the tank moves.
Wings & Wheels Modelers-IPMS
"Whatever your hands find to do
You must do with all your heart."
From "Through Your Hands" by John Hiatt
Colorado, United States Joined: February 01, 2003
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It's always a pleasure to see some Italian subject, specially when they are very well done like this. I share the same tought as Halfyank about the smoke on the exausts that in my view is a bit overdone, usually only the very end of the exaust was showing some "black", but anyway it should not be that complicated to be corrected. If at the rear of the hull you show smoke also that is not that correct, it would be ok if that "black" part is oil. If you wish I've got an L6/40 (always from the North Africa campaign), laying in a drawer since a few time because I've lost the drive too. Do we start a micro-group build with these two models? Ciao
Impetu Hostem Perterreo
England - South East, United Kingdom Joined: October 22, 2002
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Thanks scoccia and rodger. I think the same re the exhaust. I have now corrected this. A group build would be great Fabio. I have also started the weathering of the sub structure. Anything else?? Thanks for taking the time.
Martinus Incontinentius Maximus
(Terribilis est locus iste)
Pig # 18
I've just primed it (it's a resin kit), so I hope to have time before going on vacation to give my L6 a burst, otherwise I'll start on the 15th on august, once back from a couple of weeks of vacations... Ciao
Impetu Hostem Perterreo
Massachusetts, United States Joined: May 21, 2003
KitMaker: 1,120 posts
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M-13/40 looks good so far. I do like what you did on the mufflers. The engine would not put out that much soot ?? M-13/40s ran on diesel engines (correct me on this if I'm wrong, gents) so there would be some, esp if the engine ran 'rich' and was poorly maintained. I also agree with Al LeFletche on the lower hull. This area would receive the most wear (sand, rocks, etc) . I do like the 'chalkiness' of your Italian sand-yellow. Looks like it was bleached by the sun of Cyrenacia ! Great work, and dont quit. We need more people like you modelling WWII Italian armor.
Good to Go !
Cheers !
"Forward the Colors !"
Vatican City Joined: May 13, 2002
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Again, awesome! The paint chip and the weathering is very effective. I pratically like the muffler's rust, and the back deck, looked very convincing. How did you do the chipping by the way.
I agree with the others, the lower hull can use a little more chipping and weathering.
Over all, real nice.
Thanks for sharing these with us.
Dave O'Mally aka Davidus ArwenIsMineus Pig No. 2, Da Jackel
A servant to the Sty - Liaison Officer for Z-Team to the Sty
Commandant U-Boot Waffe der Pigsmarine, OD is Extremely Asexual
Minister of OD Paint Removal
Order of Wisconsin 2 Parts Grenade
England - North East, United Kingdom Joined: March 24, 2003
KitMaker: 167 posts
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This is a very nice piece of work so far! I think the general overall colour is spot on but there are 2 things I would do: 1) add a localised wash around the details, ie the rivets, hatches etc as this will give a greater depth to the detail on offer. 2) I personally would tone down the paint chips. They look fine as they are but they are too evenly spaced and look a bit artificial - perhaps put different coloured filters over some of them to tone them down.
Can I ask how you plan to display this? I would say if it was on a rocky/sandy base whose colouring was a shade darker than the vehicle then you would get a very effective medium in which the tank would stand out very nicely.
Once again, very nice work and I look forward to seeing more of it
How are you Martin? I hope well. Impressive M13/40, it seems to be progressing nicely. I like the extreme weathering job, continue to have fun with it. Too bad you have to sell it.
Take care,
"If the tanks succeed, then victory follows."
Col. General. Heinz Guderian
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England - South East, United Kingdom Joined: October 22, 2002
KitMaker: 652 posts
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Hi again all. A new post taking into account your words of wisdom. I am not too happy with the exhaust now, I think I will have to blacken it again. (artistic license) I have weathered the substructure and have added the first pastels. Thanks for all the comments, as you see I have noted some of them and used them to create this "thing". I might have to do another umber wash, not too sure yet.
Martinus Incontinentius Maximus
(Terribilis est locus iste)
Pig # 18