Wow! Thank you for all your votes! This makes me really happy!

Congratulations to the other winners as well!
The model is the recent kit from Italeri, built strictly out of the box. A nicely detailed and rather accurate kit, but it has a few shortcomings - the fit of the turret plates and top was pretty bad and required some work and the armor skirts for the running gear have to be attached before painting, as there are large seams to be filled. This makes building and painting the track a bit tricky, but I just left the upper part out, itīs invisible anyway. Also thereīs no interior at all and no engine - a shame, because the engine bay is quite clearly visible through the large engine deck openings.
For more info just look at the review on this site:
The basic camo scheme was painted with Revell Aqua Colors, the thin tan lines afterwards with special artists airbrush colors, as those are much easier to use for complicated detail work. After washes with oil colors I applied Mig filters and pigments and created a little base with two Gebirgsjägers from Dragon.
This vehicle represents one of those used in the Italian/ Austrian Alps Region in the final weeks of the war.
Thanks again! This is really an inspiration for me to contribute more to this fantastic site. Maybe Iīm gonna post some of my other works here soon.