Here is a new update on my T34/85 model 44. I first sprayed the whole beast in panzergrey as some sort of primer and then I sprayed the whole tank in with a mix of Humbrul 116 with a drop or two of humbrol dessert yellow. This gives you a slight difference from olive drab and due to the dessert yellow in it you also already have a little dusty look to the paint. Ok after that the weathering stage came and I`m still in the middle of it as it`s far from finished at this point. I have done a couple of washes (mostly blacks and greens) on the vehicle some drybrushing in various tones of green and an extensive filtering in wich I`m still not finished.
Next thing to do is do a bit more filtering and then ruststreaks and paintchipping and more washing. The turret still needs to be done, The tracks are not finished and I need to do something on the figs but that is for a later update. :-) :-) ok enough talk here are the pics

This one looks a bit out of it`s color but that is due to the sun when I turned the angle of the tank for this pic. Ain`t it funny how light can make a big difference

The whole progress of this tank can be viewed under this link:
As always I like to hear critics, comments, info (as I know not that much of russian tanks) , tips tricks and everything you like to say bout this