Hi everyone. After my eye operation I decided to test some paint and weathering techniques on an old kit. Well, after a week these are the results. Considering only one eye working I liked the effects I acheived for age, use and general North African feeling. I'd appreciate any suggestions as I'm relearning how I see as my eye improves.

These are the fuel burn marks I created using detergent, water and olive oil. I wanted exposed metal from a small fire and blistered paint.

For the tracks I used this combination for the first time. Afterward, I used AIM powders extensively on the kit. Final coloration will be done once the commander is added and the base built with the tank coming over a wadi.

I hope it might spur some others on who might be facing changes in their eyesight to perservere and try everything out there to help you enjoy your hobby. If you'd like, I'll write a blog on dealing with impairments and disabilities while still enjoying scale modelling... PM me if you think it would be of interest.