Thank you Adisak and Jean-Bernard. Your kind comments are appreciated very much.
Quoted Text
I like the trick of setting the tracks of the tank before applying the final ground effect, that's very clever, I also like your pipes, and the way there is a focus in the otherwise empty wall.
Setting the tracks is an experiment of kind, just trying to see how this would work out. And you guessed the exact reason why I needed the pipes ... they are un-important ... but they were fun to make and add something to the detail level, mixed in with the rubble.
IŽm back at work now again, so the pace has slowed down considerably. Ive finished up the messy parts of the base and its almost ready for painting to start. There is another level of rubble added on top thats not photographed yet ... that will come later!

As usual, more images and info on this can found at my blog on
The Assembly.