Looks pretty good to me!
Now... the photo is a little dark, so the colours come across maybe more distinct then you might be hoping for?
But- here's a couple of ideas:
IF you want to blend them together more, AND you are seeking something "average lighter" over-all, I would consider layering on some lighter hues- maybe a lighter yellow over all. This could be a a simple over-spray of a well-thinned yellow (dunkelgelb) mixed with white or deck-tan. It would make the vehicle look more faded and help unite the colours beneath a bit.
IF instead you want to darken it while blending, make a darkened yellow brownish mix or even an oil sienna wash, maybe. This approach will darken the over-all vehicle, and pick out some of the texture and detail while merging the colours some.
It pretty much depends on what you are looking for... a lighter, faded paint-job, a darker over-all paint job, etc.
Other approaches could be to make some darker or lighter shades of one or more of your colours and spray some centroids in some patches of a colour - say green blotches, or conversely spray blending zones or lines around edges of patches- the effect would be to grade each a bit more into its neighboring colour area. More work then an over-all wash or spray coat, but also more fun (my opine, of course

) and more control over varying your colour contrasts between adjacent patches. The goal would be to diffuse the patch boundaries- "smudge them out" a bit.
I sort of assume that you will follow up with some dusting or maybe pigments to reflect dirt and dust, plus some washes or pin-detailing... If so, these treatments will also tone-down the apperent slightly stark-looking colours?
I like the Tiger! Got one on my shelf and will get to it pretty soon- be the first Big Cat I will have done!
Cheers! Post some "fixed pics", please!