Images now added - gremlins have been returned to their box...
When I ran this yesterday, I couldn't help but having a few doubts as to whether it was a new-tooling or not. With Jaques' comments and a look at his excellent Build-Log, the concluson i've come to is that it's little more than a re-box.
The comments by some of the posters on M-L seem to confirm this. Rather than re-boxing, perhaps it would have been a more sensible idea to have addressed the serious issues that this model has?
Releases like this have forced me to come to a rather unsettling conclusion. With (very) few exceptions, when DML do German vehicles, they do a superlative job. When DML do subjects like this, the inclusion of 'TLC' seems to be lacking (or non-existent).
So, perhaps, Dragon would be well-advised to continue to play to their strengths and leave subjects like this to OTHER manufacturers?