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For in-progress or completed build photos. Give and get contructive feedback!
Hosted by Darren Baker, Dave O'Meara
USMC-M-60A1 Desert Storm


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 11:20 AM UTC
this is the tamiya M-60A1 with reactive armor , i also added a DML mine plow .The fox hole in the corner is based on a pic i found on a site some where i can't seem to remember
.enjoy (++)


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 11:30 AM UTC
I can't critique your model because I do not know enough about modern armor. And I can't let a good looking model job and dio pass by without saying something. It looks great.


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 11:51 AM UTC
Beauty Job. Love the earthwork and the canvas roles on the side. Excellent paint job as well.


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 11:55 AM UTC
That's quite a good job. The photos never do a model justice. Did you use headlight lenses or paint the headlights and IR light?


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 12:11 PM UTC
Thanks for the comments so far guys. Paul, the headlights and the IR lights are painted on. I have since removed the barrel from the dio (didn't like it ). (++) :-)


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 12:39 PM UTC
Very nice weathering Carlton! Looks like it has seen some action. The base also adds something to the overall effect


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 12:45 PM UTC
Looks great TT
The weathering looks great. and the stowage looks wonderful
Great work

Great work


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 12:59 PM UTC
Very nice, I am working on mine right now. It's only my second armor piece. Finishing up a Tamiya Wesepe. I am somewhat confused though. Is the markings for two desert M-60A1s? The marking instructions are not too clear in the instructions. So is Predator another option instead of the Genesis II: Shoot-n-Loot? Also I am guessing that the scorpion would not be on the Shoot-n-Loot M-60. Help anyone?


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 01:28 PM UTC
Lord Tu,
This is awesome looking M60 you got there. Very effectively done. I can't comment on the accuracy or anything. But I like how it turned out. I am sure that with our new injection of expertise from the region, we will have some constructive comment soon.
Oh one more thing, is this me or the dry brush seems a little excessive... #:-)
This is awesome looking M60 you got there. Very effectively done. I can't comment on the accuracy or anything. But I like how it turned out. I am sure that with our new injection of expertise from the region, we will have some constructive comment soon.
Oh one more thing, is this me or the dry brush seems a little excessive... #:-)


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 01:45 PM UTC
Those tracks are fine,ref our chat earlier.
I used my magnifier in Windows to check,and those have the endconnectors and centerguides in the right place.
To me the drybrushing is fine. I gotta nit pick about the left "ski" on the plow,it seems off level.Are the real ones loosely mounted?
(++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++)
Those tracks are fine,ref our chat earlier.
I used my magnifier in Windows to check,and those have the endconnectors and centerguides in the right place.
To me the drybrushing is fine. I gotta nit pick about the left "ski" on the plow,it seems off level.Are the real ones loosely mounted?
(++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++)

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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 03:35 PM UTC
Looks good, I like all your stowage on the kit. Very well done without being too unrealistic. Tines (teeth) on the mine plow look a little too new, same with the mold boards. I have a real good photo of an M60A1 blade tank in the Osprey Desert Storm Special Land Power book. Superb photo for weathering the tines. One interesting aspect is that the outer edges of the tines lose just about all paint. Photo shows the sand paint, green underpaint and rusted bare metal underneath. But the inner side of the tines show minimal wear.
Photo identifies the vehicle as an M60A3, this is incorrect. It is actually a USMC M60A1 RISE/Passive. Easy to tell since it lacks the thermal shroud and the Marines never used the A3 and the Army never operationally mounted ERA on the A3. This photo shows the headlight and IR light reversed from your kit, most folks wouldn't catch it so I wouldn't bother changing it.

Photo identifies the vehicle as an M60A3, this is incorrect. It is actually a USMC M60A1 RISE/Passive. Easy to tell since it lacks the thermal shroud and the Marines never used the A3 and the Army never operationally mounted ERA on the A3. This photo shows the headlight and IR light reversed from your kit, most folks wouldn't catch it so I wouldn't bother changing it.


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 04:17 PM UTC
very nice


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 06:52 PM UTC
TT looks really cool makes me want to start my academy one! only one thing on the 1st picture it looks like there is a bit of silvering on the "v" decal or is this just because of the flash great work all the same


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 07:05 PM UTC
Hi first I want 2 say cheers 2 a great model
but since this is the rivet review board and Im not allowed 2 say only that I have a question,
maybe suggestion?
I never build modern armor but the V shaped decals shoudn't they be with the point up like
/ I might be mistaken just my toughts.
and keep up the good work
but since this is the rivet review board and Im not allowed 2 say only that I have a question,
maybe suggestion?
I never build modern armor but the V shaped decals shoudn't they be with the point up like
/ I might be mistaken just my toughts.
and keep up the good work


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 07:05 PM UTC
Hi first I want 2 say cheers 2 a great model
but since this is the rivet review board and Im not allowed 2 say only that I have a question,
maybe suggestion?
I never build modern armor but the V shaped decals shoudn't they be with the point up like
/ I might be mistaken just my toughts.
and keep up the good work
but since this is the rivet review board and Im not allowed 2 say only that I have a question,
maybe suggestion?
I never build modern armor but the V shaped decals shoudn't they be with the point up like
/ I might be mistaken just my toughts.
and keep up the good work


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2003 - 11:09 PM UTC
Those V, or chevron,markings are company or divisional marks...can't remember exactly.....but they can point different directions depending on the vehicle.
Those V, or chevron,markings are company or divisional marks...can't remember exactly.....but they can point different directions depending on the vehicle.


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Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 12:26 AM UTC
The AFV looks great. I like it - the figure gives me a great sense of scale.
Coming from a diorama guy, the base is cool. I like the vertical scrapes on side in the 3rd photo. I would put that whole thing on a nicely stained piece of wood or tile or a picture frame. That would really make it stand out.
The sandbags - Tamiyas right? They are a bit 'stiff'. I personally would sculpt my out of sculpy. However having said that - the main subject isn't really the base at all so this doesn't detract from the M60.
Coming from a diorama guy, the base is cool. I like the vertical scrapes on side in the 3rd photo. I would put that whole thing on a nicely stained piece of wood or tile or a picture frame. That would really make it stand out.
The sandbags - Tamiyas right? They are a bit 'stiff'. I personally would sculpt my out of sculpy. However having said that - the main subject isn't really the base at all so this doesn't detract from the M60.


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Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 07:34 AM UTC
real nice kit you have there. I wonder why you choose the Tamiya kit? The Academy kit is far superior. Anyway I really like the paint job you have done, what color did you use? I am still having an unbuild Desert Storm M60A1sitting on my shelf ... #:-)
cheers - Andreas -
real nice kit you have there. I wonder why you choose the Tamiya kit? The Academy kit is far superior. Anyway I really like the paint job you have done, what color did you use? I am still having an unbuild Desert Storm M60A1sitting on my shelf ... #:-)
cheers - Andreas -


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Posted: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 - 03:32 PM UTC
Great job!!!


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Posted: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 - 10:54 PM UTC
Thanks again to everyone for the comments , this kit wll go back to the table for a few touch ups and corections with a up-date to follow . Sabot thanks for the great refference pic ! really needed that
. 13 OUT.


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Posted: Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 01:44 AM UTC
How did you attach the plow to the front hull? Do you have some pictures that show this area of plow-equipped M60A1? I also have the Tamiya USMC M60A1 with Dragon plow attached and I think you attached it the same way I did, but looking at some pictures I have (including the one Rob posted here) I think it is not quite correct way to do it. The Dragon set is designed for Abrams, so I'm not sure if it contains correct parts for M60.
Did you install the armor plates behind/under the plow, or did you omit them?
I think I will rebuild my model one day, but will use Italeri/ESCI M60A1 as a basis and add Tamiya armor plates and Dragon plow from old model to it. I also will try to make one modification you missed (but I also missed it in my model...) - the weight of the plow causes the tank to be visibly tilted forward when the plow is in raised position. It should be quite easy modification of the model suspension to show it.
Did you install the armor plates behind/under the plow, or did you omit them?
I think I will rebuild my model one day, but will use Italeri/ESCI M60A1 as a basis and add Tamiya armor plates and Dragon plow from old model to it. I also will try to make one modification you missed (but I also missed it in my model...) - the weight of the plow causes the tank to be visibly tilted forward when the plow is in raised position. It should be quite easy modification of the model suspension to show it.


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Posted: Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 02:31 AM UTC
This thing is solid. I also have this kit, sans plow, and only wish it looked half as good as yours.
The base really sets the model off, and your stowage looks "real" and not slapped on. Figs look good, and the shading/weathering makes this whole thing "pop".
Congrats Lord Toad.
This thing is solid. I also have this kit, sans plow, and only wish it looked half as good as yours.
The base really sets the model off, and your stowage looks "real" and not slapped on. Figs look good, and the shading/weathering makes this whole thing "pop".
Congrats Lord Toad.


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Posted: Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 03:00 AM UTC
The model looks good, I don't think the drybrushing is overdone. I concur withthe comment on the chevron in the first picture, it almost look like it's just an outline. Removing the barrel was a good decision, it looked a bit glossy.

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Posted: Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 04:08 AM UTC
Somewhere, I do not know where, I have the older mine plow TM that shows how to mount the mine plow on the M60 series tank as well as the AVLB hull. Unfortunately, I may have tossed it when I got the new mine plow TM. It only covers mounting the blade on the M1 series tank.


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Posted: Friday, August 22, 2003 - 05:33 AM UTC
vodnik ,i did leave off the lower hull armor to prevent fit problems . i cheated and used a small screw to attach the plow , just in case this was in-accurate so it would be easy to remove 
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