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First, off I'm in agreement with Jeff on that you should think about doing a build review.
Eddy, your vote is noted and appreciated.

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Second, I didn't know that Monogram was out of business? I see so many of there car kits at my LHS.
As Jeff mentioned there are still Mongram and Matchbox versions of these kits floating around. I also surmise that one might not be sure that even getting a Revell version will guarantee that it has the additional sprue of the newer T80B.
As for Monogram, after a bit of 'Net research it "appears" that it still exists, albeit in a much "diluted" form. (numerous mergers and acquisitions)
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Third, my Kodak digital camera is almost 10 years old now and I rarely if ever use the flash feature for shooting my models indoors. ... From my limited experience with cameras I just think that Digital cameras really like florescent lighting?
First, let me say that your pictures and their quality have always impressed and fascinated me. Even my SWMBO has seen some and commented that you achieve quite good results. As photography is my partners' second greatest passion and she continues to take advanced courses on the subject, I cannot help but utilize the things that she has learned. At times this may result in not the best results but as with all experimentation, one is seeking the ultimate goal.

The hobby room and photo area are solely illuminated by multiple compact fluorescent lights. As often as not I take pictures in 100% manual mode with the camera on a tripod. I have achieved some impressive results, keep fairly meticulous notes but continue to "push the envelope" when new techniques/settings are presented. However, with our advanced DSLRs there has been an equally advanced learning curve with their myriad of options and settings. I should perhaps keep remembering and at times practice the KISS principle. (Keep It Simple St....)
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Now about your model . . .
Again, thank you Eddy for pointing out what may appear to some to be obvious. I did one better and went back and reviewed pictures and posts from earlier builds and can see a slow progression of solving what at times I perceived as near insurmountable problems.
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By the way, I was thinking today on how I was going to handle the texture on a scratch built jack rest block for my Panzer IV build and your realistic wood technique flashed into my mind, I'm going to do it that way! Anyhow, your tank is looking really killer, especially parked on your makeshift dio.
One great thing about this site and others like it is the plethora of diverse information on tips and techniques that people share.

Your technique of using gap filling CA glue proved invaluable when filling certain gaps, especially between the end halves of the fuel drums. That has now been added to the bag of tricks.

I have concentrated so much on building skills that I have had little opportunity to delve into dioramas or vignettes. As with my Tarawa Sherman build I will attempt to create a "set" for the final pictures of the T80.
Your rather extensive comment has been most helpful and thought provoking. I thank you for having taken the time to share your observations.