It's been a while, but I'm back with a big update to make up for it. I decided to figure out what size base I'd need, so I started sketching things out to finalize my layout.

In the process I discovered that there really wasn't room for the 250, so I've dropped it from the project, which is kind of disappointing to me since I had put some time into sprucing it up. Oh well, I'm sure it will find a home in another project.
Once I was happy with a layout, I made a template for the crossroads out of two 4 inch wide strips of sketching paper and moved them around until I found a set up that I liked. I made scale drawings of the main building, which I then adjusted to make the scene more compact and better able to hold the eye. Once I had the dimensions down, I made a rough mock-up using heavy card stock paper normally used as backing boards for shipping and storing comic books.

The last one has some figures in front of it to give it a sense of scale.
Speaking of figures, I made a good deal of progress on that front too. I've added some camoflage material to the NCO's helmet.

I also sanded down and added clothing folds to the putty I used to rebuild the upper arms on the PIAT assistant. I also added web gear straps made from plastic strip.

The yellow paint was to check for flaws. Once I was happy with its overall appearance I added seams for the sleeve-shoulder joint.
I've also finished preliminary work on six more figures.

I've been freely swapping body parts among the three sets of British troops I bought for this project, as well as arms from the spares box.
The first two guys have had parts pretty even swapped between the kneeling Red Devil firing a Bren and the standing figure firing a rifle from the Monte Casino set.

The now standing Bren gun has arms from the prone Bren gunner in the Normandy British infantry set.
Speaking of the prone Bren gun team, I've converted them into a pair of riflemen picking out targets.

I'm still not sure about the arms on the righthand side figure firing left handed. I'll have to wait and see how thing look after I've added some putty to flesh out his arms.
The last two figures both come from the Red Devils set.

The running figure on the left is about as close to stock as any of the plastic figures as I've only adjusted the position of his legs to make him appear more unbalanced, which helps give a better impression of motion. The kneeling figure is going to be firing a Sten, and I ended up only using the very end of the left arm of the soldier holding a Sten from the Normandy British infantry set. It took a few tries before I was happy with the pose of the left arm.
Next up is more figure construction, followed by lots of epoxy putty fills, fixes, and details. Hopefully it won't be quite so long until I have another update ready.