a- some iron wool (can be found at supermarkets in the dish soaps dept)
b- a jar (whatever kind - glass, plastic, aluminium - doesn't matter)
c- tap water
d- something to stir with (an ice-cream or cocktail stick, a scrap piece of plastic or wool)
e- a bit of patience
How to
Step 1
Put some iron wool in the jar
Step 2
Fill the jar with tap water

The iron wool in the jar filled with tap water
Step 3
Put the jar somewhere outdoors (a sunny place helps to speed-up the process)
Step 4
After one day get the jar and stir its contents with the stick. Put the jar outdoors
Step 5
Repeat step 4 until stiring the content gives you pure rust dust (because you have to wait several days, use here your patience if needed...)

The (realistic!) rust is now ready
Step 6
The (realistic!) rust applied on your model

The (realistic!) rust is now applied in four different ways to the model
A: applied dry with a soft paint brush
B: applied with a paint brush dipped in white spirit
C: applied with a paint brush dipped in white spirit and then blended with another clean paint brush (also dipped in white spirit) to recreate a rust streak
D: applied on an area on which some white glue (tinned at 50% with water) was applied to recreate an heavy rusty effect. To give some more depth apply a light black wash over the rust once dried (not shown in the pic)
Happy modeling everybody!!!