Hay Mother sorry to hear about your wife being sick and starting her treatments. If it's what I'm thinking, my hart gose out to you and your family. Like you mother I have a lot of on-going projects'. I work on what ever I feel like working on. An right now the ABV has my mind and when and if I hit that building wall, I hit it and move on to othere projects.
buh I don't think It's comming. I can tell you want, I look forward to building the markers and that awesome mine plough. An that mine plough is the number one reson I'm building this project.
Like I have said I never liked the M1 Abrams. I thought the turret is just to plane looking. An wile I have bean working on this tank I know just what part of the tank I liked. LOL

It was the chassis only. An now with that wild looking small turret and over the top and aggressive looking mine plough. I thought now I can get in to than in a big way, so I stoped all my othere projects to work on this one.
Now I have said I doin't have enuff info and photos on just how the mine plough is mounted to the front of the M1 chassis. An now that I know wich company makes the mine plough. An when I start on that part of this project I'm going to send a link to PE and ask them for some help. The link will show them how much I have built and just what I will need to finish the building the mine plough.
Now don't thing I'm not going to shear what ever info I get, I will. Photos as well.
So for now I will have the front and top of the turret finished soon. and I will have the rear deck's stowage boxes and movable markers.
So thanks for your comments and I'll get back to work so I can show you guys some more work.