Try agani with replies,I've some problem with pc
Mauro,you mean this?!

Stripe looks separated from the rubber skirt cause I want to depict it damaged,there are holes for the joints over the stripes,rubber skirts and on the fenders of the tank,I know they aren't so visible but they are there :-)
Colour,I have written,that probably I'll get tamiya nato green+ another colour to depict JNA green but.....I think that this is a relative problem cause with oils-pigments-washes ecc the colours change.
Thank you!
I know about the exhaust ventilation at the bottom of the turret,it's still a wip,many things that you can see over the tank are not glued yet,it needs more work to be correct.Turret needs a lot of details like the engine deck,fenders,ecc ecc....thank you however for the advice.
Mauro,if you need something let me know....maybe I can help you,also in italian ;-) I live in Napoli ;-)