The first 24 Scorpions were all made by South African depots and almost none were alike as they were made quickly and without precise plans.
Some had the control box on an angle to match the slant of the drum carrier, some were straight. Some flails used a Ford 95hp motor while others used a Bedford Ql motor. The Scorpion moved at a snails pace of 1.25Mph. The operator of the flail actually had to sit in the engine box behind the radiator. This would be quite dangerous with the flails beating. Sitting in the control box would also be extremely hot and noisy. There were different types of shields mounted just above the operators compartment to deflect debris, the smae went for the air intakes. later versions of the flail had the controls inside the tank and the Crusader air filter/intake mounted.
I've talked to several people whom I and many others believe are experts in the field and they agree with my conclusions regarding the operator.
Well enough of the history lesson and onto the model.

Comments are most welcome.