Hiya Last week i posted a couple of pics of my Sherman. Several people gave me ideas/suggestons to improve my model. So heres the end product after all your help. I hope you like it
Ricky. D
Bulldog 8
England - North, United Kingdom Joined: October 04, 2002
KitMaker: 1,495 posts
Armorama: 234 posts
I followed your earlier RR post and noted the suggestions regarding your fine efforts on this Sherman.
This model is superb. The deck storage is well mixed, and effectively lashed down. No track float on the return rollers, and turret attachment points look good. You have really followed through on the suggestions and delivered a beautiful model.
By the way, those figs are very very well done also!
Congrats sir!
Steve aka WWH
Joined: December 15, 2002
KitMaker: 4,503 posts
Armorama: 3,159 posts
Now you had to go and do it didn't you.... It looks fantastic. Great job on the finish and you got the equipment tied down. The figures look great also. Now all you need is a base to put it on and Dio here we come. Cheers
"Don't be afraid to think outside the box"
"Animal wants Trucks!!"
She looks great. You did a great job working the suggestions into your finished products. The tracks and turret stowage look a hundred times better. Great Work!
Great job! Weathering looks subtle which is very good. You blended the decals in very well, they look painted on!
My ONLY suggestion and it is a small one, is to hit all the 'steel pot' helmets with a little clear flat. My eye says they are a bit too shiny. I am envious of your figure work...my last attempt failed miserably! Doesn't mean I won;t try again now with your inspiration....
Cambridge, MA, USA
"Enemies are just friends in reverse" -Gary Busey
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom Joined: January 22, 2003
KitMaker: 114 posts
Armorama: 0 posts
Let me firstly say a big thank you for taking the time out to add your comments. It is really appreciated, and makes it all worth while. As to the questions which have been asked. I used Tamiya paint throughout, here in England we don't get much of a choice in paint manufactures its either Humbrol or Tamiya. I will most differently put the model on a base, but not to sure if I can make a diorama, I find them to look cheesy if not done to a high standard, and I would need to think about situation. Just as a side note, I’ve started on a Tiger tank, so will hopefully have some more pics very soon.