Hey! I think if you are going to build in a real wood deck- it could look pretty cool hacked-up a bit and loaded with a small track- maybe one of those former French carriers (UE, Lorraine) or a Hotchkiss or Renault being used for anti-partisan work or being carried to some other place. The Ommr would be appropriate for truckin' one of these, or maybe a conversion like a Marder I... Of course all sorts of other stuff - cannons, trucks, supplies, maybe even a cast-concrete blockhouse piece (saw a pic just a few weeks ago of a pre-fab bunker piece parked along with an ex-French FT tank in what I think was an Ommr) "on its way to the Atlantic Wall" could be cool in this thing!
I've had a vague ambition for quite awhile now to park maybe a couple of Flak-38 2cm guns in one of these as a sort of impromptu flak car... One of the new crop of flakvierlings would also look pretty cool. But a swollen tank stash - which includes a few kits from yourself - argues against my dallying around in the RR biz!