Jeff you're off to a good start, there is some nice variation in your whitewash and it's not just a flat white coat. I did a whitewashed sherman as my first model too !
If you decided you want to try and go one step further with this model you are in a great position here to really bring the model's details out of the whitewash, by using more chips of olive drab over the top to enhance the details and the lines of the kit. I can see you've already done some chipping, so I assume you've got a handle on how to do it, it would just benefit from a little more to give the tank some contrast and make the shape stand out.
I would start slowly, first along the lines on the front of the tank like the glacis plate edges and around the hatches and gun mantlet, then stop and have a brew while you consider your next move. It would be far far too easy to overdo the chipping so don't be scared of leaving some areas unchipped - you can add some interest to those parts with another method like mapping, streaking, splattering, etc.
If you don't feel like risking it just yet then don't worry, it's still a good job mate - you have still got a better first tank than mine turned out