ive been modeling for quite a few years. however, this is my first real try doing a filter. to me, i think i may have applied too much of a light filter. for the filter, i initially did a very light tan. using this light tan, in my opinion, it looks too light. obviously, in a very dusty region, it would probably look ok. what you see is after i applied a couple burnt sienna filters on top of the light tan...
what do you all think? too light? if so, how would i correct?
now, keep in mind, i had only started applying the dot method streaks. i still have alot of work on thosee still. not to mention pastels, chipping, and dry brushing. i havent even started on any of that yet. i want to make sure i get the filter correct before going too far.
you will also see quite a few flaws when it comes to the gaps in the seams, some parts didnt fit quite right. but they are going to be hidden with stowage and i also plan on doing camo netting over the frontal portion of the crew area. this, may also help take some attention off of the light filter
i also appologize for the pics, they were taken with my phone to i could upload them while im at work. i will upload better ones later