I would welcome some opinions on my work so far with this Dragon Panther Ausf A.
I originally posted this yesterday but stuck it in the armor forum by mistake

It is built mainly out of the box, with a massive thanks to Ron Hayes for donating to me a "The Show Modelling" photoetch set which really boosted the details.
Painted with a majority of Vallejo AIR acrylics, the decals and marking options are from the box however I cut them up and rearranged them to fit into same zug as some of the panthers famously photographed on the Normandie Archive after Operation Cobra. I used abteilung and artists oils in the early weathering stages, but no pigments yet.
For the tools I decided to ignore the "accepted" colours and add those which I felt gave me better contrast against the paintwork - I chose this to focus on style and looks rather than anything else.
anyway enough ! time for some pics

thanks for looking comments and suggestions much appreciated