Thanks for your comments, guys!
Bob, yes, you are right - it is from Trojka book. How could I forget...

As far as all the stuff on a top of the cooling fans - I was always wondering about it myself. But there are so many photographs with all kind of boxes, bags and drums over it, so I didn't think twice.
The bottle of wine could just what he needed

Actually, the figure is from Dragon kit #6375, which has a guy holding a bottle of wine. But the head is from Verlinden - little bit too big, but way better sculpted than Dragon.
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from what you have produced, looks like the C-H early Brumm kit builds up pretty nice
There were some minor fitting problems with large parts and with the roof, but nothing that a person with some modeling experience couldn't solve.
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What's keeping the Drums from falling off? Considering the weight of them full they need to be lashed down pretty securely and I only see one rope going along side each drum.
I might be wrong, but the right one looks pretty secure to me. The left one - yes, it does looks like it could fall out sideway. Next time will have to pay more attention to things like that.
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The color of the Drums and Jerry Cans, Wouldn't they be Dunkelgelb?
I could paint some of the jerry cans like that, you are right. But assuming it is summer of '43, so there is enough gray stuff still laying around.
The ammo cases were originally made for 75mm KwK (my E-10 model), but never used. So it is noticeable... hmmm...
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But creative license could be that they just have em loaded with rations and other misc debris, so it's not really a big deal.
If it is noticeable, it is kind of a big deal. I will need to pay more attention to details like that next time.
With rear doors being blocked - yes, another big minus to me. Didn't even think about it as a way to escape. Was looking at it as the way to throw away used shells - one door is opening, so it's enough. Next time will have to be more accurate.
Bob, Sean, Sean,
thanks again for your comments, guys!