I have started a new build. I had already the Academy Ontos in stock. Later on I bought also Voyagers PE kit and two resin kits from Verlinden.

I have started the build with the first steps in the plan and build the supension and the wheels.
First part.

Wheels are made and dryfitted.

With the upperhull.

The suspension is not ready, but I will stop here, because I have first to paint the lower hull and the fixed part of the suspension and the wheel.
Before the painting I started building the Verlinden resin interior. Inside the box are some resin parts and a description with to dark pictures.

First I dryfiited the floor and wall parts, they needed some cleaning up before I could place them.

With the upperhull. No problem to get the upperhull closed on the lowerhull.

After a few houres work, the interior is almost finished. There will be some parts on the floor, they already been build, but not glued inside.
This is what I have done and more will folllow.