Howdy Ryan and thankyou very much for your comments
No such thing as a prick when it comes to offering advice of a technical nature... is there a nice way to tell someone somethings amiss?
I understand your observations, and it is with clumsy fingers I assembled the commanders cupola - and unknown to most , I broke it off twice from mishandling it during the final stages of construction, and it started to look ratty.
However in the end I made a significant decision to remove the mag 58 and return the cupola to natural state, and mount an .50 RWS with Seal Solutions spider mount. This eliminates the cupola crisis.
I am sorry to see there are actually no pictures of it mounted - I cant believe I dont have any - I know I promised I would post them, but if I did I lost em somewhere along the way.
As for the flag holders I know now from your and certainly from other subscribers that they hold the spotties - the reason I thought flags was I have a picture here somewhere with short handled red range type flags utilising the brackets.
The tool racks are most certainly a challenge, I know that the manufacturer is aware of those concerns and I think he might be trying to address it - however he is very busy and to be honest I'd rather see new releases than correcting something like the tool rack - most serious modellers will make an effort to thin them down somewhat anyways. The cyclone tools have a unique shape and are hard to substitute for.
As with all ASLAVS, configuration is a nightmare. for every person who declares that it was only ever done a certain way , sure as *&%$ someone else comes along with another version. Hoever no matter the configuration - the nuts and bolts stay the same - dimensions and angles dont change so its good to get feedback on technical observations.
It has been a few months since I visited this blog, and I think I was adding updates to another build log that was relevant to this one ..
have you checked out these two I done ? closely at the 3 vehicles together and the pinwash stage and you will see the broken pins to the cupola ring..)
And the diorama of course. I havent taken pics of the finished diorama yet ! I was working on it in the hotel room in melbourne after driving from adelaide - the only "final " pictures are ones people took at the comp. Since I got back the model has sat in the carport under wraps.. ( Im not allowed to touch models for a while now, if you get my meaning)..
Bill - you dont skip a beat - thanks for the enhanced pic
