I remember it was a "speed build" which I slapped together over a weekend about a decade ago - I don't believe I've ever got a vehicle sitting on wheels, let alone tracks and with a coat of paint in such a short time. The crewie is a Dragon figure with some resin head ... he looks suitably "dogfaced":

I have several Shermans still in boxes on the shelves. and in all the decades I've been modelling this is the only one I've ever built ... the gun tanks to me are bland, although I would like to do a Korean War HVSS 76mm that supported the Aussies.
I've always like engineering and recovery vehicles, and with this project I wanted to do a "what if" and make a vehicle as different to the Italeri donor vehicle as possible.
Needless to say, I butchered a Tamiya M4 and used the kit suspension and track. For something different, I fitted the dust guards. The crews of the ARVs naturally had access to welders and "gas axes", so I basically fitted some bits where I would have re-installed them if I was a crewie:

Unlike more than a few of my projects a decade on that inevitably get salvaged for newer incarnations, looking at this M32 last night, I am still well satisfied with it - not only did I actually finish it, but I also created something unique and eye catching ...
Going through the shelves, I found this hulk, with I cobbled together soom after finishing the other M32, and this is the way it has languished for a decade ...

Looking through the box for the Dragon M4A1 donor hull, there are some bits missing, but there are also plenty of other similarly plundered Shermans on the shelves, and a couple of incomplete Italeri M32s.
I don't think this one will come together as quick as the last, but I am all ready tracking down some earlier Academy suspension and a set on mostly solid wheels will give this one a different look.
Although they definitely weren't the norm, there is photographic evidence that "large hatch" M4A1 M32 as depicted by Italeri did exist ... but building out of the box wouldn't be any fun ... would it?