I am seeking some advice on the paint scheme of my WIP Pz 1A (Tristar kit 003) intended to represent a ca - 1937 "training umpire's vehicle" with the then-current "Bundfarbenanstrich" scheme.
I used a "hard-edge" pattern (most photos seem to show patterns that were hard-edged, although sprayed / feathered patterns and black-line delineation were also used). I applied the primary scheme using mixes of Tamiya acryls to represent my interpretations of the RAL "erdgelb", "braun" and "grun" colours. (Yeah, there is now apparently a paint set out there for these colours, but I neither have it nor the patience to wait for it to ever come, so...!)
I sprayed the 3 colours, followed by some brush touch-ups to sharpen-up blotch edges.
I think this "raw state" is a slightly too-colour-contrasty scheme which needs some toning-down...
I plan to road-dust and add some light washes and, of course, detail. As it was a newish tank at the time, and it was still "peace", I do not plan on much wear n tear, chipping and the like.
So: please advise! All comments are of course welcome! How would I best fade it to achieve an overall softening of the colours?
Note: some parts are loose and the pics are quick snaps, so...!
Thanks for looking and THANKS in advance for any criticisms and / or advice you may wish to offer!