The base kit was a Zvezda Sd Kfz 251-1 Ausf B with all of its inaccuracies. To correct some of them I used the Eduard PE detail set to mostly correct the interior since it was based on the Ausf C. The problem with wheels and track was corrected with the AVF Sd Kfz 251 Wheels and Track set. I also used the supension arms, stops, drive wheel and idler adjuster from the AFV update set. The personal gear and other stowage was from my parts box.
I took some liberty or artistic license by adding the poles (sand, ditching) as there were plenty of trees in Tunsia . I plan to add some figures but havn't found what I want . Does anyone know if DAK Great Coat figures are available or even been made? If they have not been produced by some maker, Master Box are you listening? They would be a great addition to anyone modeling DAK, there is a sserious lack of DAK infantry figures at rest. What I want is to have two or three figures standing up in Great Coats conversing to the neighboring crew of the adjacent Pz Kpfw IV as depicted is so many photos. A Pz IV or the DML White Box Opel Blitz is to be my build for the Desert Fox Campaign entry.
The Sd Kfz 251-1 represents a vehicle form SchtzRgt 115 m(PanzerGren Rgt).15 Pz Div. DAK 1942.
Please provide your opinions on what needs to be corrected etc.. It would be appreciated. Go ahead and let me know where I have messed up, that way I can get better. I have been back into this hobby since early 2009 and have been concentrating on Rommel's Deutsches Afrika Korps.