Not sure if you are asking for more pictures but like I said I am still not back at work but when I am I can certainly take more and better pictures. If you are referring to M88 callsigns/names then you should love this:
In the period of time they have been AUSCAM (april/may 2010 the first tanks were painted) the M88's have changed names and callsigns from when they were tan.
Tan it was 58A and was called 'OAKOVER' (2007-2009) is now 88C and called 'CHOOD MARNI'
Tan it was 58B but I can't remember it's first name (if I do I will put it up) but from 2008-2009 was called 'BILLY' and is now 88B and 'BABA TUNDE' (
Tan it was 58 and has been called 'SCRAP COLLECTOR' (2006-2008) It then went without a name for about year but changed callsign to 58A in early 2008, in early 2009 it was named 'ARSCHGESICHT' and in 2010 the callsign was changed to 88A.
Tan it had no callsign until it became 58 in 2008 still with no name until 2009 when it became 'OP I ROVEN' and in 2010 the callsign changed to 88.
101 and 102 were delivered straight to the regiment in 2007, but 105 and 106 were transported from the School of Armour almost a year later in February 2008 hence 105 having a name starting with S (for support squadron) and 106 not having one at all because it was a spare tank so to speak. 101 was put into long term storage from 2008 but was brought back out of storage in 2010 due to a huge workload from within the regiment requiring us to man 4 instead of 3 M88's. The callsigns have always been 58x and names started with O but in 2009 our OC allowed us to name the tanks with the letter of the squardron they supported and in 2010 the new OC wanted the callsigns changed to 88x. More of a joke at our expense than anything else.
Off hand I can tell you the Americans (and basically all recky mechs) stow their vehicles a different way so trying to model stowage accurately can be a nightmrare. I only have my memory and some 1st Tank Battalion USMC M88's to go off but big differences are:
*We don't carry the oxygen bottle across the engine deck
*Most of our tanks (if not all by now) don't use the covers for the tow ropes in front of the crew doors
*We put Australian jerry and oil cans in the American holders on the outside
*We have FBCB2 or BFT fitted (USMC and Army ones should have this by now I think???)
*207-105 is the only Australian M88 left with it's mudflaps still on even though the condition is a little poor (personal pride on this one)
*Some American M88's don't have a cutout step on the first armour skirt but all *Australian ones have this cutout.
*We have the bridge class of 68 sprayed on the front left as you look at it
*If you are getting super intricate with detail the Australian M88 has 'DIESEL' written above the fuel cap while the American ones have 'JP8'
*Despite our M88's being attached to the line squadrons, they all have the horizontal line indicating they belong to Operations Support Squadron and not A,B,C or RHQ. USMC M88's actually belong to each squadron and so adopt the chevron of the squadron in question.
*The Australian .50 cal is mounted on an old mount from a M548 Tilley, we use this because it moves the weapon a little further forward than the original mount and makes it somewhat more user friendly.
*Australian M88's use the M1A1 antenna instead of the insanely tall and solid original ones because we found they kept snapping off in the trees and we fast ran out of spares...
That is all I can think of for now, any more questions by all means ask them