Here are some photos with questions:
Side shot. Should the zimmerit extend all the way down the side of the hull past the attachment points for the track guards?

Another side shot showing the Fruils to good effect. They were tedious to build because many of the links needed to be drilled, but worth the effort in my opinion.

Closer view.

The rear engine deck.

The rear lower hull. Let's just say the brackets for the jack gave me trouble.

Second side.

The mantlet. This is where I think the Eduard set falls apart. I know I need to close one of the two sight holes, but is there anything I can do to clean up the zimmerit?

The mantlet from an angle to show the gap where the mantlet meets the turret side. The zimmerit on the gun barrel looks wrong too. Not sure if that's my fault or the kit's.

Can I do anything to address the gap where the cupola bulge blends into the turret side? Not sure whether adding putty here would help or make things worse.

The machine gun mount. This is the most disappointing part of the Eduard set. I'm hoping a weld bead will conceal the thick build-up of CA, but what can I do to address the gaps in the zimmerit itself? Also, do I need to add a weld bead further down near the tow shackle?

The front hull hatches. The two big holes need to be filled? My understanding is Dragon recycled the parts from another kit and they should be filled on an early production King Tiger. The tool clamps look dubious ... lol.

The muzzle brake. Is a coat of paint likely to cover the seam?

Thanks for looking and thanks for any input.