here's the first two stages of the King Tiger painting. this is my first attempt at whitewash ever, which is kind of odd since i have been building armour for decades on and off i never once finished a model in winter garb.
since the diorama will have two whitewashed tanks in the scene i would like to finish each in a different manner so they stand apart especially as they are on opposing sides of the conflict. for the King Tiger i am trying out something i'm calling "whitewash on whitewash." reference pics i've seen appear to show that tanks would have to apply a fresh coat of whitewash over a faded layer. i was impressed by some models shown at EuroMilitaire this year that i figured had this finish on German tanks.
the above pic shows the base camo layer. since this layer will be barely visible i didn't go too crazy matching the camo pattern perfectly, just had to get the wavy colours down as lightly as possible as this model will be receiving a few more layers of paint.
i also didn't get into lightening and darkening the camo colours again as this layer is basically an underpainting so that the right colours are under the whitewash layers.
i used Vallejo arcylics for the three tone: Green Ochre 914, Reflective Green 890 and Chocolate Brown 872. i left this to dry for several days to really cure and then sprayed Future, applied the decals and then sprayed Future again only over the decals.
i sprayed Humbrol enamel Satin White over the model following edges, recesses and the lower areas of vertical panels. i left this to dry for an hour.
above pic is a closeup of the hull.
above pic is a closeup of the turret.
after the hour was up i started removing the enamel. i used a flat brush dipped in paint thinner (i used Recordsol style thinner from the hardware store) and worked quickly to wipe the white enamel off in the direction it might have faded.
the above pic shows the hull with this stage completed. keep a tissue/rag close by to constantly clean your brush and work quickly as you have about an hour (which would be 2 hours from when it was sprayed) before the enamel simply starts stripping away in clumps rather than a smooth wash (though i discovered this produced a cool whitewash alternative to hairspray that had a great look to it).
closeup of the turret with this first whitewash stage completed.
since this is all an experiment and my first try at this i don't know yet how much of this will show through as i plan on now adding a completely new hairsprayed whitewash layer over this but the idea is that where the next layer is removed i will have a camo colour that is faded underneath rather than bare camo colours.
i'm always trying new techniques and this whitewash stuff is definitely new to me. i find it really fun to be painting the King Tiger not really knowing where it is going but intensely curious as to how it will turn out.
thanks for dropping by and comment are always welcome. cheers, bd.