I have started to bring this project to life with some paint base coats and would like to share the progress as it moves along.

I have started with the frame work. This has been painted with a mix of Vallejo Model Air paints to get a bare steel color.

The next images show some scratch built sliding doors. Although the quality of this kit is outstanding, I felt that the doos supplied in the kit are bit thick. Also, I would like to show doors that have taken a beating from shifting cargo and thin brass sheet enabled me to bend the doors up a bit!

Shown here are the steel wheels. My first instinct was to use a ACLAD II paint to get the colors correct. Instead I experimented with Vallejo Model Air colors and I am excited about the results!

The inside of the flat bed will be littered with rolled track and debri. These are vinyl Tiger I tracks from Dragon. These have been painted with a mix of Vallejo browns, Reds, and Grey. The pins were brush painted silver and washes with a thinned AK Interactive " Streaking Grime"

If you guys are interested in this one, I will post more pics as it developes.