Long time lurker now finally ready to post something. Some may know me from the other places where I pollute the internet, though not enough with in-progress shots of my projects, so here goes. I've started work on a Sherman V from the RMASG, called Fox. Those who follow Chris Meddings should know that he's got one in the works too. The photo comes from his build log.

The base kit will come from a Tasca V Firefly, the turrets will be swapped with a Dragon M4 composite to make a Ic Hybrid and a regular V. The aim will be to do most details myself and I'm hoping to keep this blog going and be done before the symbolic date of June 13th. Let's start off with some shots of the turret as it is now.

Not much to show yet. Been applying texture and adding some small details. What do you folks think of the rear-end of the turret. Should the area where the two turret halves meet be shoothed out more?
Next up is are the tracks: These are the Panda Plastics T62's. I assembled them with white glue after reading a tip somewhere and it works pretty well for now. They stay flexible, yet hold together pretty much ok (better than some modelkasten tracks I worked on)

There has been some discussion regarding what was on top of the turret exactly. After checking this and this link as well as this containing a blow up of a photo, I'm still not sure what it is. The suggestion is that the box-shaped thingy was a No.12 Dial Sight in place of the gunners episcope, but that seems still visible. I know they were fitted on RMASG centaurs too, but does anyone have photos or drawings of it? Can anyone shed more light on this 'magic-box' on top of fox?