Playing around with the AK Color Modulation sets and thought I would post some pics. The kit is a "Wedgie" from Darious Miniatures from Poland.
First image shows Aplication of primer and Dunkelgelb Shadow

Second shows a liberal aplication of Dunkelgelb dark base, avoiding only the lower hull.

Followed by Dunkelgelb base focused more on the upper surfaces.

By this point you can realy start to see the depth created with the color modulation style. The features of the vehicle start to come to life. Shown here is the use of Dunkelgelb High Light.

To realy give an excelent amount of visual interest to the base coat, an very light Dunkelgelb is added to the edges of the top of horisontal surfaces and leading edges.

Here you can see how a layer of Satin Varnish brings everything together.

This shows base coat only and already it has an interesting look. Next? Weathering...the best part!